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layout: post title: What a character. date: '2017-07-14T16:20:00.000-07:00' author: Adam M. Dobrin tags: modified_time: '2017-07-14T16:23:35.920-07:00' thumbnail: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-EVD2epvxTzs/WWlR3D_aeoI/AAAAAAAAD3c/a20l_dCkguQlWdbHdNwwPOBXGslBScn4gCK4BGAYYCw/s72-c/image-760075.png blogger_id: tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4677390916502096913.post-8651982568729095907 blogger_orig_url: ./2017/07/what-character.html
I wanna steal that ... "
a's victory "ar I El?" la "v" is reverse engineered.
"I don't know" is not a Q.
Surely you d the c+l in "dis'close?" i n K ?

Do you find this funny? Funny like a crown? Do I amuse you?
A manor a car... letter ... in .... letter ... not one but now twice, sen.. 2seaclime
How about this?
Get it?
Ha, ho mile.
... stay tuned, same cat time + 1 hour
same cad channel ...

it's probably a coincidence!