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Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge Mail - My eyes... my eyes... you can see in my eyes, my eyes.

fromthemachine.org fb.me/admdbrn

The Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge | Adam Marshall Dobrin on Facebook and Twitter | The Matchbox | The Revelation of Christ | An Ongoing Saga

This is the Second Coming. Please say "hi" to Adam... on twitter: @yitsheyzeus

Here's some videos: The Sign of the Son, The Holy Grail, What if God had a name? Let's get this party started. (with an RT and #reallyhim) It's time to change the world.

Adam Marshall Dobrin <[email protected]>

My eyes... my eyes... you can see in my eyes, my eyes.

Adam Marshall Dobrin <[email protected]>Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 12:17 PM
To: [email protected], Roxana Saberi <[email protected]>, Melissa Gray <[email protected]>
Tomorrows message.  I really hope I can stop emailing these things soon.

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Grey Street, Dave Matthews Band

All of these, of course, were written before I read the Zohar.  Published in order...
All the colors ... fade together?

The colors mentioned in the Zohar match the horses of Revelation, though they appear in a different order.

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Don't know me from Adam?


"shake your tambourine"\ -Rapunzel, DMB

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holy fire

a'es h

in a story of parting a sea bringing the morning.

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So as the sun began to rise

Moses raised his hand over the sea. 

Exodus 14:27

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Morning has broken.

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I said, I will bring you water...

#41, Dave J. Matthews, on exiting the desert of Exodus


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run into rain and play, let the tears splash all over you

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as I want you to be.

