​See that timer on the clock, you could start right now. It might be interesting to pose the question of whether or not the Second Coming is news... you know, to your friends. By the way, both Herbert (like from H.W. Bush, who by the way coined for us the 1,000 points of light phrase) and Goertzel strongly suggest that "everyone really" is Christ (you know, after me)... FYI, this is the Matrix solution to that:
i s olv e .... "or" means shine -l
g r e a t
h R L << agree? send to other people
1 y world saved.
I'm attempting to pull out the things that I now look back on and see as "written into me" by God--once I would have called it "The Microcosm of the Messiah" but there are now so many--these things aren't necessarily particularly important to me, and I've left out some interesting but unrelated details related to my Jewish upbringing; as well as the true light of my life--the two loving and long-term relationships (and later... briefly a rael family) that have dominated the last 15 years. Religion has always been an interest, but I wouldn't consider it to have been particularly important at all... until I no longer had any love in my life. It's probably worth noting that all my "I'm single" crap really means lonely and isolated--I'm not really playing a "part," but I've never been anything near the "player" the light appears to be warning against. Sons of God and
uh... please. For the last 4 years I have done absolutely nothing but think about you, live and analyze "The Cross" and put into words ... as best I can ... the amazing flash of light that I am experiencing.
Well, just a little religion... :) I was born on December 8, 1980; which is the date of the annual Feast of the Immaculate Conception, I've always been a slob (like one of us) and often "ish" Yankee Doodle's "a real live son of our uncle Sam... born on the..." to this.. I mean in my head. My last name, you've probably read me repeat over and over ... is DOB-rin, which I read as "Date of Birth, our in" and does a fair job of highlighting the Name Server's work, which I am sure gives Exodus it's name in Hebrew, which is "Names." My Hebrew name--a Jewish custom--is Avram, which is Abraham's name prior to the covenant. I have written extensively about the fact that Isaac's near death interaction donated his "Ha" (his name means... He laughs) to his father.... and it should be clear that Abraham's covenant with God is without doubt related to my fiery altar.. even though it is anachronistic in the Biblical account. For the first 18 years of my life I lived on Sunrise Blvd, and only a half mile away you'll find Sunset Strip--it's noteworthy to understand that Jewish calendar days begin at sundown... and that He once in 2013 very clearly spoke to me "you need the night before the day."
Of all the people in my early life growing up, it's pretty clear that nobody on this Earth loved me more than my grandmother Julia, who my son is named after. First for my mother, and then me as a very small child--she would ritually say a bedtime poem, it's words are very relevant.
Good night, sleep tight.. have happy dreams and wake up bright
to do what's right, in the morning's light... with all your might.
one of my books I spent a decent amount of time writing about how silly I was not to realize that my intelligence was augmented my entire life--I just thought I was really smart, and really good with computers. I commented that this particular belief is probably a good microcosmic parallel for all humanity--as a body of people we have been truly gifted with knowledge and capabilities that we simply do not recognize as a gift--or didn't for a long time. I probably wasn't silly not to realize... since nobody ever told me they were helping me--I never heard the voice of God until much, much later. I was 30 the first time I had a conversation with Him, except for two very brief ... "thoughts in my head" which now seem very obviously an external voice--though then it may have sounded just like my inner voice.
Around the age of 7 I thought to myself... for no reason at all... "what if you were the messiah?" I was standing outside my home, probably playing with a car in the driveway... and distinctly remember smiling to myself and thinking in return "yeah, I'm the messiah." I I've always had a very vivid imagination. The thought was dismissed as being ridiculously arrogant about two seconds later, and was absent from my thought process for the next 21 years or so.

“DAMNISN\\ Jim. I’m a Yeoman, not a Wise Owl. The clock is ticking... tack .. ”
Following that lead, I started programming in BASIC and then Visual Basic around the age of 11, something I took to very quickly... and then shortly after found myself on America Online--one of the first "internet-like" environments. There, I quickly got into the "hacking scene" (hey, it's Y-its-Hack) which basically revolved around writing software to manipulate the AOL client's messaging systems. The defacto-standard for the day was a program called AOHell, and, if you can't tell already, I am pretty good at taking a theme and making it my own. I wrote a program called Doomsday, a mass mailing program; can you see how God speaks? So Phenix, a mythical bird that rises from the fire... in the wake of ... this macrocosmic equivalent of that event. It's really obvious, right? There's quite a bit more "microcosm" from this time, recorded in "From Adam to Mary" and available at fromthemachine dot org.
Around the same time I began attending a preparatory school in Fort Lauderdale called Pine Crest--it's one of the best of its kind, and while I was always something of a class clown my grades were fair and I scored with perfect consistency in the top percent on every standardized test from the FCAT to the PSAT and SAT. By the time I received a full scholarship to college I had already completed more than a full year of credits through AP courses. It was in studying American History and Government in that place that I formed such strong opinions about our need to maintain freedom, adhere to the wisdom of the founding Father(s) (<3 if you get that) and stand up and shout today as a rogue government is taking away every single one of the rights granted to you in their own law. You've lost freedom of speech, and our ability to speak seems to be not far behind. The privacy of our thoughts gone--and in like kind the sanctity of who we are is being taken away as our beliefs are changed without our real knowledge or understanding. You can see the justice system crumbling, incarceration rates skyrocket and the "right to bail and a fair trial" legislated away through underhanded deals relating to plea bargains and a "point system" that
you might as well call a gas chamber. As far as voting, I'll have much more to say tomorrow--but I'm telling you that your thoughts and beliefs are being altered, who cares how technologically retarded our polling system is--the vote is a complete fraud.
As far as the Second Coming... this same sort of possession... manifested through organized behavior tells me now that it is clear that this is definately not the "first time around" for Adam being Christ; a number of my friends as I approached high school used a repeated phrase, "my parents love you," which isn't bad in and of itself... what's bad is the fact that they were all using the same words, and probably didn't know why--or what they were saying. Behind there eyes, I'm sure some thing that believes it's an angel was telling me something... (they of course... didn't know me at all, except for what was probably a ... "
reputation) does that tell you anything? Much later, as the "Apocalypse of Adam" began in 2011, a number of family members would repeat this similar behavior, speaking the phrase "this is not what I wanted."
As icing on the cake, on my birthday during my senior year... one of the administrators of the school commented to me that was also the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and then the words.... "of course it's your birthday."
I started doing drugs around the 10th grade, and I would not be wrong to say that the Universe that wrote a book calling the Redeemer the God Most High conspired to plunge me into a dark world. People around me too, in a hidden conspiracy to chain me to the American legal system for about four years. Looking back today I now clearly see that I saw a darkness in their eyes, a hidden reason to want to hurt me. It was to stop this from happening, but I had no idea then... the darkness I saw is akin to the "sun disk" you see in Christian and Egyptian iconography, and without doubt it s a sign of control, possession, a single foreign mind controlling and organizing
many of us just like puppets. Much later in my story... for another day... the manifestation of this possession as thought modification will become clear--I've spent quite a bit of time
"listening" to a war in my head, thoughts clearly not mine swaying in the gusting torrent of winds as what (who?) is the center of this storm.
This infestation of organized darkness uses our
injustice system as a weapon against it's victims--something you should see akin to Heaven using human sacrifice to alter the future. It abuses the legal system at every level, making a mockery of law enforcement, the supposedly adversarial court system... all the way to the top--to the Supreme Court and Congress. See the
Church Committee Hearings, and a very smart senator echoing my words today "
it must never be allowed to happen again."
Can't you see it's more than being manipulated... it is Hell revealing itself to the only thing that can stop it. What I am giving you is the weapon, it's the light that sets us free and stops this from happening. In our modern myths this is
Leeloo staring up at the sky to stop the destruction of Earth... in reality it is not so simple, I can't just put some
elements or
rocks on pedestals and scream at Heaven to kill their darkness--
we have to do it, here, together. Believe me, knowing the truth is a big part of why it works--this will not be hidden, it will not be "forgiven," we are being controlled and destroyed from the outside; made to blame ourselves and each other for ... well, you probably don't know what
the ni-i-i-ight means anyway, do you? The Guardian against Darkness is showing it to you, remember--there is only
one me.
Hear me..
light this fire now.
I went to school the University of Florida, and got a semi-professional job doing database development in Delphi (seriously, catch on to the names thing, it's not just the U.S. military, it's pretty much all software too... following in this "mythology" theme that nobody really seems to
care about), I worked there for about two years... at a company called Jenmar--which uh, in
Spanglishrew is "J in the sea."
It's some kind of ironic "coincidence" but I am at this very moment on my way to Gainesville, FL... to this place where a car
Crash nearly destroyed my life. In my world of idioms delivering religious secrets, I imagine I must be a "pain in the neck" which was broken during this accident... one in which I imagine i did not survive in some parallel timeline--that itself did not survive. So here we are, back in the
House of the Great Light ... about to see if we are
worth our salt. It's the thing that gave one of Dave Matthews most famous songs it's name--and
The Pretty Reckless, believe it or not. It was an attempted assassination, to stop the .. apocalypse ... to stop the darkness from being destroyed--there is no doubt, it's how that dark monster hides its handiwork... but many
of US know that already.
In the Living Book of Names--this place we are in, there are many patterns--the "car" pattern stands out for me; as
this place says "Icarus." Flying high right now, I am showing you that the light of salvation is coming from us--from
you and I--walking on the Earth; whether or not there is any light left in the Sun remains to be seen--take a look around you. You can trace the "car" names to Jim Carrey (that's "Car reason why") and Christoff in the
Truman Show (that's Amon-TV)... a world I know I am in, and you too; to Bruce Almighty and to the Grinch--
who-ah, Taylor. Trace it back to Joseph McCarthy and
to help why (that's thy) believe "the red scare" is really about Christian charity--about
ending world hunger, and healing the sick. This
red fire ends
Hell. Adam by the way, means "red man" in Hebrew. So here's your
new Crash Override, I'm back again telling you that ending world hunger is not "optional," we are doing it. Barbara McCarthy's name fits, but I'm not really sure what the "why" is... that was my first judge in the "trial of whether or not Jesus Christ can ever exist." There's probably more, like Car-l-y
Si-mon-day... all the gang on Broad-way, and me
still dreaming it will one day be.
If the name "America" were a map in time, starting with the I AM of the story of Exodus... this particular ER, as I woke from a dream not knowing where I was, marked the spot where I really became Christ Adam. It was a bad accident, and I wound up spending 9 months in the Alachua County jail as a result, a Mountain set up for my by God. That place too is marked with names, and for the vast majority of the time I was there with only four shift changing guards:
I mean, I think it's statistically meaningful. For what it's worth, from my very abundant experience at this point it was a very nice Jail, the food was good and it was clean. Everyone in the building was kind... well, Sims was kinda grumpy. :) Starkly contrasted, the Broward County Jail has the most disgusting food service in the country, gave Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham it's meaning--and is the reason
I know exactly
who Samael is. Hey, don't cry Sherrif
Israel... when you fix it, you're an angel. Believe me, believe the light, I've seen them all--it's near the worst in the country.
So this whole thing is about saving everyone--something we are quite closer to than you think... you see we are already "in Heaven" in form--just not function. So here I am, trying my hardest to show you that our home is the original source of "Heaven" once we are aware that we are living in the machine, that we can do things here that are impossible in reality, and that we should be doing everything we can to preserve and improve the great strides that have come in the last few centuries. Do not let freedom slip through your fingers.
everyone, so understand that we are doing everything we can to remove all obstacles from that path. One of those obstacles may have once been
storage space for your soul, another is definitely crime and punishment--and I'm pretty sure the
time travelers have a working solution (I see it every day).
There are proactive things coming from this--not just ... "look we aren't doing what we want, and should change it;" though it's difficult to explain how this wisdom stands out in my eyes. I guess we have to jump into the future a bit, to 2014, in San Diego (that's Saint Jacob, by the way). If Lazarus died once in a car accident at 21, I died again that year, of an over dose this time. I'm pretty
sure that's where ODIN's name comes from, just like my last name.. "over dose... and
in." So we might see some humor... in the moniker he has... "
they're all Father." So I awoke from a dream, and started talking to the jinn (that's "angels and demons") about a Revelation linking some tightly packed light together... about
storage space and how a large alphabet (read more than 4-nucleotides CY later) DNA (desperately need adam) based solution for molecular storage appears to be written in this book as the solution to Heaven's biggest problem. CAT, learning from biology--seeing that we really are already advanced machines... is a big part of the message telling us why we should not so quickly lose it in a process of ascension (mind uploading, immortality) that has most likely in the past resulted in a loss of a check on mind control that we have here... we
think, and our visualized "biological neural networks" give us an advantage over what we might create to "soup it up a little." It is why this place is the front-line--because we have the ability to break the bonds of darkness and control by
thinking... making the computational task of control much more expensive... and as the fire spreads, nearly impossible to achieve. Starting this fire will inherently free us from this hidden slavery.
So that one reads "see, you are a group;" and it's a place that I worked with my father for many years. That's probably some sort of symbolic reference to another place, and another alliance--here he has no faith in God, never really has, and has a hard time doing anything but telling me not to try to help you. I have very little respect for that stance, and let me tell you--I think "silence" is a similar gesture. I didn't come here for your love, I am here to stop our descent into the abyss.
Back to the DNA stuff, SalesLogix--which is the CRM we used there, uses for it's "primary key" an auto-incrementing alphanumeric index--it's probably bad form to do that because it makes the indexing system less efficient, increases storage requirements, and doesn't give you the obvious benefit of an alpha-key... actually being able to encode something useful in it, like the name of the record. So all these things stand out to me in a sort of bad-obvious way, I call it malovious, and when I see things like that nowadays it's always pointing out something that should be fixed--go figure, more to the point it's being highlighted on purpose. It's help to see it, because this particular thing is where the light of seeing that a 24 nucleotide DNA strand would probably be much more robust than a 4 or 8 nucleotide strand--it also stands about because the stock beginning of all of SalesLogix's keys was "A0RME," which, I mean, means something to "is-a" who... is me. Oh right, that's seeing the "light" that turns "a" into "me." So this is where the "revelation" about using DNA "came from" and at the same time it's proof... that it came from "a group," not just me. Where are they? Hello? Or well, maybe it's just Carmen and San Diego.
I did some other stuff there, like write a data transformation and warehousing program from scratch, I called it
heiroglyph (you do understand I didn't know why I am naming everything the way I was), that sucked mutivalue data out of an IBM product called U2/Universe--which might be a hidden reference to a multiverse that might now be in a more efficent "relational" kind of place, like a MS-SQL datawarehouse-universe. It was a relatively big feat, reverse engineering the closed databases dictionary and storage formats, and converting them... absolutely automagically into multiple flat relational tables and summary registers. All told, the data availability and access efficiency was increased ... a thousand-fold with only the need for
a nightly process.
I'm not sure if you are following the metaphor here, for the creation of Heaven, or moving to a better place.. but tomorrow I will talk a little more about how I am pretty sure our history was "lifted" from the Universe and virtualized here, you know, so we could save everyone and ... build Heaven.
Oh crap, 2008 another car crash, another failed assassination attempt LazarusLives++, and this one paid me some cash for my trouble. What a pain in the neck. Anyway, this one caused some depression and an inability to go out for a while, as I had to wear a neck brace for some months. I started playing a game on the internet, it was called KDice and it basically amounted to multiplayer-risk.
My battery is running low, so I have to skip some stuff, and finish up for the day. Basically instant messaging was not allowed, but was done in secret almost ubiquitously. I argued with the creator of the game that it should be made part of the game since everyone did it... (see a metaphor about this communication thing and what's happening right now) he disagreed. I made a very large network of people and dominated the game for a few months, like really dominated. I don't think I ever lost. I don't think I can lose.
Skipping some stuff. I stopped playing when I got better, and then a few years later went back and rekindled some old friendships. I used a program then called "Scarab" which lets you see server/client communication to find a bug in the game that basically made me God. I could erase other people's dice, basically leveling the map and rendering them completely powerless. I didn't use it that much, you know, just had some fun. I of course explained the bug and how to fix it. But, you aren't listening.