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let the the tears fall from the sky and from my eye
jesus wrote a blank check, it's a rain check
i've cashed it, and forged it
redde mihi in the sky

bread is life
You know how I am, always thinking of family last--here in this special occaision of connecting Names and predestination to this story of the birthday of the "Virgin Mother" it's not just the trine initials of Eden's first family that link to Mary through Janet Marie; but also my cousin Margot who shares this very happy and momentous day with the Universe. I did remember to wish her a happy birthday this year, because of this message; and I think i won't have trouble forgetting this one ever, ever again. ;)
The Touch of the Master's Hand

This is our You and I verse.
June 23, 2016

Well, I thought it was clever. Mor? ... Monday
I watched as the Lamb opened the ... seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder,“Come!”
I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake.The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.
Revelation 6
From the future comes a message focusing on freedom, transparency, and quite literally linking the very foundation of religion itself to science and technology. "First words" are a big thing for God, and in the very first words of the actual Burning Bush comes a message about the use of technology to ... continue the slow and gradual process of evolving the structure of our government with decades plus old technology like the telephone, the internet, and ... well, as Imagine Dragons puts it "It's a revolution, I suppose."
In the words spoken by George W. Bush on 1/20/2001, his inaugural address... prescient reference to the font face Courier, and the font style.. Bold. It's the kind of thing you almost wouldn't notice... until you get it.
"We know the race is not to the swift... nor the battle to the strong."
Later, I'll show you how the successive lines of Ecclesiastes 9:11 answer a riddle, one which relates to the stars falling from Heaven. It does this by listing ... in order from Mercury (the swift messenger of the gods) all the way to Time and Chance... Saturn and Uranus.. each of the 7 planets, and 7 corresponding elements of the modern periodic table: from Hg to Uranium. With just the words spoken by Bush (half of Ecc 9:11) we find another hidden message...

The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are...
Mercury Venus Exodus Mars Sight Potassium & Uranus
the race the battle bread for the wise Thnderstanding Saturn and "per chance"
Revelation 1:20 (note it's the date of the speech, where Ecc 9:11 is quoted, months before 9/11)
Briefly, Mercury is delivering this message: "Lo, Venus..." is the woman clothed with the nus of Revelation, with the moon and stars at her feet." The light of Exodus is reading in reverse "let there be light." Iron relates to my middle name, and the Iron Rod of Jesus Christ... Silicon gives sight to the 14th element, the 14th letter (New to n?) the light of Jupiter's lightning (He-rod) and the sound of Thor's thunder.

From the Person of Time, Iran... but really, the whole thing is a set up.... for great justice, light me up.
The Servant will be set up, and will be very high. Isa 52:13

meaningless talk; nonsense."don't give me that malarkey
a disease or ailment."an incurable malady"
synonyms: illness, sickness, disease, in fection , ailment, disorder, complaint , indisposition, affliction , infirmity, syndrome; More
1.in an unpleasant degree."malodorous"