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Joseph of Arimathea who now appears linked to me in more ways than I care to fathom; holds the distinct position of laying the J that was not really us (try, as Jessu; -A) to eternal slumber; here you can see his "Ari" linking to the word "hearing" (and the forced closure of Al Jazeera America) and the actual (as opposite to mythological, fictional, or biblical) trial of Jesus Christ; to the tools of mathematical proof of the existence of God and time travel that is not laced just through this single message, but every one that I write... and to a descriptive connection between "the Nation of Israel" and the brides of Cronus and Zeus; respectively "Are he a?" and "He's Ra;" that here in this place beg me to remind you that you are not God. See that the difference between "re:p eat" and success does appear to lie in seeing the connection between P, the Priestly source, the question "RIP?" and the God of Time--and in the worth of the concept of not trying to hide the true meaning and purpose of religion, or to deny the actual history of Creation. It seems like an "easy one" to me, but I'm still here staring at the Wall.
It's important to note that any of the nice things I've said, and still believe about Bianca Pisani are about the 18 year old girl that I watched grow up here in this place. It does appear to me today that anything "at or near the top" in the sky is truly the reason "ruby" is the heart of the word "garbage." In similitude do see that "ROSE" (the middle name she shares with Nanna, and probably is the actual source of "Rosicrucian" if you cared at all for the truth--which you don't) is Adamic for "heart of the southeast decline towards (or through) Hell" and that it is very much focused on nothing but hiding this message--at what appears to be "all costs" and "any means;" if you can't see that hiding the truth is the cause of Hell--you're the cause.
It does appear that whatever is "at the top" is trying their damnedest (and succeeding) at making this into a conspiracy of the whole--of "ALL" though here in this place it doesn't seem as if that's functionally possible. Here, it appears you've forsaken yourselves and our way of life for nothing more than a pact with the devil, because some esoteric invisible power wants you to--or because it's what you don't see everyone else not doing.
Everyone but me, I mean... any why? I'll tell you it feels fake, it feels contrived; but that does nothing to help me, or to help you... or to help the whole--speaking the truth will do those things, as it always, always does. In words you can see Dr. Evil's "shh" connecting the Shield of Achilles and the "YIELD" sign that first clued me in to the idea of "El D" being a sort of key, like UCLA might soon see "El A" on campus; I see it probably has something to do with a "road to Heaven" though all the signs I see tell me you have to shout to get out of Hell. You can see "see how A.D. da eye" in one of the most important Hebrew names of God ... El Shaddai (specifically this name refers to the Rock of Heaven, which I define as Earth and is often paired with El Eylon, who is me); and you can see all around you why I have no qualms about laying to bed forever the idea of "all" being Jesus; there's not a single person I can see trying to contact me, help me, or help deliver God's message--not one.
Of course there's plenty more "OB" words in this series, words like "oblivion" and "obsolete" and understand that's the first, last, and most immediate destination of any world trying to hide or ha'mper the delivery of this message.

Just so you know I'm not wildly making shit up, and maybe to teach you a little bit more Langolier, that ".rb" comes from the same well of light that defines ".PL" as a pearl of wisdom, and tells me that the Python at the beginning of "Pyrrhic" has something to do with me. Do see that no "hi-c" definitely coincides with no victory at all, and no "Creation." Those are file extensions for ubiquitous and popular *NIX-like programming languages; you can see B in Qt and a myriad of other references to modern programming concepts in things like WINE, Lisp, and Apple.
The concepts of possession and inspiration that were once foreign or mythical to me and probably you ... are no longer. They are very clear and apparent in not just the names but the works of Stargate and Star Wars and the myths that tie all of these themes together; they are obvious to me and I think anyone who really sees the breadth and true change in understanding of our state of being and our history by the method of this disclosure's delivery, as well as the silence and tangible conspiracy to hide it that "this thing" is more than a big deal, that the future of civilization depends on a clear understanding of exactly what this technology is and how it works--how it's negatively affected us, and why. The theme of Medusa and her head of snakes carries through to Stargate; where the mythology there talks about warring factions in an alien species over "trying to help" their hosts as opposed to completely removing their minds and their self control--it should be clear to you that what I am showing you, what is being kept secret as far as I can see everywhere else... is proof that no help will ever come in darkness, and that the cause of the secrecy is to take something from you--the most important thing you have. (Psst, it's you...)

Indians of long ago
Followed after buffalo
They found a use for every part
Everything except his heart
I have wandered like those herds
Lost in music, lost in words
But the hunger leads me on
eductive like a siren's song
And I can put my ear right to the ground
Just to hear those motors humming
The pounding sound of hoofbeats
Like a thousand guitars strumming
And there is music in all this
It is all material
Before the beauty melts like snow
Chase the buffalo
People in these halls and bars
They wish on me like I'm a star
But I can never fill that hole
I am not their buffalo
And the gravity of the situation makes me start to fall
My guitar like a fire alarm is ringing off the wall
And there is music in all this
It is all material
Before the beauty melts like snow
Chase the buffalo
East of Eden, west of the night
The sun lies bleeding in a dying light
And the lady in the Cheyenne moon
Is singing out her mournful tune
o I chase the herds again
mear the warpaint on my skin
Riding west with all my might
Where the sun is holding off the night
I cannot name this passion
Don't know where this stuff comes from
Maybe its a trail of tears
Or just a trail of crumbs
But there is music in all this
It is all material
Before the beauty melts like snow
Chase the buffalo
One I haven't cashed quite yet.
I hope I've got a little more time.
I hope it's not the end of the line.
Yeah, Jesus wrote a blank check.
One I haven't cashed yet, all right.
But if I had to choose a number,
I'd want it to be number one.
I don't want to be number two.
Yeah, I don't want to be number four.
But I can hear a knock on the door.
Jesus wrote a blank check, all right.
If Jesus saw me dying,
Would angels come a flying down?
I hope I've got a little more time.
I hope somebody lends me a dime.
Now, Jesus wrote a blank check.
Ah, one I haven't cashed yet.
till I build my towers high.
I watch them pierce the blue, blue sky.
till I wallow in the mire.