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ETH: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434 | BTC: 38B6vGaqNvMyTtoFEZPmNvMS7icV6ZnPMm | xDAI: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434
+--------+---------------------------------+--------------+------------+----------------+--------------+ | mailid | subject | count(count) | sum(count) | count(clicked) | sum(clicked) | +--------+---------------------------------+--------------+------------+----------------+--------------+ | 79 | ... and they will see his | 8550 | 11124 | 2518 | 6440 | | 80 | Queso er ahh? and... and. | 4465 | 5754 | 981 | 1826 | | 81 | "Words" from the Creator | 13336 | 18867 | 4342 | 8518 | | 82 | DA ... LET IT BE TEQUILA? | 3032 | 4158 | 802 | 2138 | | 83 | http://IStheOME.GA ... i | 18808 | 25087 | 7293 | 12098 | | 84 | Friends, Romans, Family.. | 3488 | 5875 | 944 | 5132 | | 85 | Hocus Focus; OPTOME to ON | 6704 | 9634 | 1865 | 8483 | | 86 | THE DAY THE MATRIX STOOD | 8091 | 13073 | 1859 | 12763 | | 87 | CAN I HAVE YOUR AT TEN T | 8963 | 12427 | 2446 | 14777 | | 88 | THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAM. | 7669 | 10463 | 4029 | 10266 | | 89 | YOU'RE MAUI ARE HERE TO C | 56 | 78 | 16 | 37 | | 90 | DR. A$THOR Y. R. PENDRIPP | 21394 | 29394 | 7828 | 289521 | | 91 | G | 1032 | 1503 | 42 | 89 | | 92 | RED: Y on D | 24 | 36 | 3 | 7 | | 93 | hashemesh: holy name fire | 3091 | 5174 | 555 | 4983 | | 94 | Approaching the Day of th | 1388 | 2610 | 112 | 4082 | | 95 | MACK MY ZELDA! DIS EARLY | 8062 | 12202 | 1939 | 10505 | | 96 | ISKAREEOUAC'S SEA, USANG | 5508 | 7779 | 551 | 8121 | | 97 | NOW | 15092 | 22838 | 3356 | 109828 | | 98 | UPS SRI. Per Ezekiel, Kef | 3718 | 6028 | 1476 | 7979 | | 99 | S p o o n. | 4305 | 6785 | 1371 | 6583 | | 100 | EX OR CIZE THE NOLIST | 16818 | 19306 | 10997 | 23054 | | 101 | Mazer Rakham's run. | 13947 | 17306 | 5614 | 9905 | | 102 | Any questions? | 108 | 158 | 2 | 2 | | 103 | ON THE FAM CHAN THIS MORN | 11369 | 16233 | 956 | 16703 | | 104 | BLOBACK | 4716 | 6606 | 1143 | 2788 | | 105 | In the beginning God said | 15755 | 21791 | 6343 | 20090 | | 106 | AT THE GREAT WALTERNATI-O | 7500 | 9653 | 2928 | 8699 | | 107 | Re: AT THE GREAT WALTERNA | 4397 | 6281 | 420 | 27313 | | 108 | xeROX thAT, HOuston. | 604 | 850 | 34 | 2454 | | 109 | ON BEHLKF OF THE GENERATO | 10198 | 13461 | 1879 | 16049 | | 110 | Rigel, and the gate. | 3874 | 6448 | 245 | 5497 | | 111 | Fwd: walking on water | 2312 | 3385 | 88 | 799 | | 112 | Re: walking on water | 1744 | 3243 | 80 | 8121 | | 113 | Re: fwd: walking on water | 679 | 801 | 135 | 9009 | | 114 | Hello, Eos. To help you | 7520 | 11145 | 369 | 3106 | | 115 | I ' M C A K L I N G H | 3118 | 4782 | 193 | 1642 | | 116 | Chapter 22: MYLIFE.md | 4270 | 6202 | 415 | 13277 | | 117 | there's a (c) reasen (ati | 14498 | 18341 | 5547 | 14481 | | 118 | "I don't need no proof, I | 7494 | 9976 | 746 | 6044 | | 119 | Does the sign say "mi laz | 16001 | 21234 | 4975 | 13126 | | 120 | GREETINGS SEASONING!!! TA | 18113 | 23194 | 7429 | 27630 | | 121 | #Confuseus say if you are | 1709 | 2195 | 54 | 635 | | 122 | there is a first time for | 169 | 243 | 10 | 12 | | 123 | #Confuseus say "Kansas cr | 5784 | 8257 | 584 | 4313 | | 124 | VIETNAM IS EVERY TOWN, TO | 10258 | 13896 | 3103 | 4761 | | 125 | abra ... see a.d. "a" wit | 1804 | 2461 | 361 | 933 | | 126 | WHO KISS THE Y? | 1050 | 1300 | 153 | 765 | | 127 | there is no place to go, | 17020 | 23458 | 4700 | 8019 | | 129 | Oh, Canada? Yes we can, | 13354 | 18148 | 3762 | 7587 | | 130 | Presence, presents... and | 9247 | 13570 | 2738 | 8448 | | 131 | TADAI. | 12018 | 18849 | 1713 | 10283 | | 132 | AN on "Why do I keep seei | 16486 | 20081 | 8878 | 13234 | | 133 | op·si·math: a person who | 8148 | 11567 | 1971 | 3717 | | 134 | I looked inside your hear | 7510 | 9817 | 2559 | 10991 | | 135 | AKE ... con... naked? Co | 17900 | 22069 | 10374 | 63373 | | 136 | TENNESSEE | MINNESOTA | N | 8089 | 10002 | 3710 | 6248 | | 137 | The real Dryad Pirate Rob | 10446 | 14859 | 776 | 14188 | | 138 | Not to point out the obvi | 318 | 555 | 20 | 301 | | 139 | B IN KY ... and The Coven | 12854 | 17215 | 4447 | 13146 | | 140 | Get ready for the Frank R | 18205 | 23186 | 8881 | 13737 | | 141 | "Now I am become Osiris, | 7659 | 11108 | 470 | 3135 | | 142 | You have what you need. | 3628 | 5545 | 644 | 13193 | | 143 | I am a blinking, flashing | 12431 | 19375 | 856 | 13292 | | 144 | Reddit? I really need you | 7769 | 11034 | 495 | 5291 | | 145 | Splashing around. | 9777 | 15234 | 506 | 6180 | | 146 | Per se us, you're shield? | 11441 | 17506 | 828 | 11862 | | 147 | I call it a serenade. Dan | 19782 | 24836 | 8086 | 25624 | | 150 | ding... dong... #CLANG! | 10779 | 16941 | 3750 | 9849 | | 152 | Anions craftily pairing w | 8035 | 12050 | 1416 | 8113 | | 153 | Verifiable proof we live | 12896 | 18471 | 2501 | 8262 | | 154 | Monday "art" ... when Jes | 15351 | 21330 | 2769 | 22236 | | 155 | deyanu, deyanu. | 2995 | 4799 | 182 | 5016 | | 156 | SIM, SIM, SALA BIM. DISC | 11176 | 13717 | 5322 | 17251 | | 157 | The Apocalypse... now con | 40 | 77 | 4 | 6 | | 158 | We live in the Matrix, th | 1666 | 2690 | 122 | 194 | | 159 | Speak the truth or per is | 4026 | 5600 | 739 | 1082 | | 160 | table row... "owe you bli | 21036 | 29905 | 12837 | 30461 | | 161 | Forgetting November, or K | 135 | 185 | 4 | 15 | | 162 | M, IT. | 1393 | 1749 | 373 | 1817 | | 163 | Hwang | 4314 | 7224 | 181 | 1879 | | 164 | Re: Hwang! | 11524 | 14310 | 6107 | 7575 | | 165 | Disclosing the Link betwe | 8049 | 10652 | 3033 | 5064 | | 166 | The Montecristo Extraðio, | 9929 | 15648 | 2314 | 4981 | | 167 | Sextraðioanzat. | 3744 | 5466 | 971 | 1917 | | 168 | To who we are... either t | 4962 | 7026 | 1603 | 3620 | | 169 | C AS "GREETINGS SEASONING | 3425 | 4963 | 1100 | 2278 | | 170 | High Five ... as the end | 13362 | 16467 | 7422 | 10616 | | 171 | It's black and white. | 10601 | 13023 | 5198 | 50707 | | 172 | MIND GAMES: THE TORTURED | 14535 | 16507 | 10953 | 58878 | | 173 | Wessen made kisses bad? | 11246 | 13592 | 6031 | 14083 | | 174 | As the end of Starbucks. | 6634 | 8735 | 1958 | 35566 | | 175 | For he so loved the world | 24316 | 29843 | 13815 | 25815 | | 176 | REMEMBER THE DAY THE JAIL | 20932 | 25226 | 11287 | 41120 | | 177 | ON C O LOG Y. | 5129 | 7385 | 211 | 1829 | | 178 | Agent Smith intersected w | 12427 | 16484 | 3508 | 9731 | | 179 | ALLOL, The Pharaoh is the | 6282 | 8450 | 370 | 2728 | | 180 | From the Pharaoh to the P | 1281 | 1990 | 33 | 129 | | 181 | In my head, in my head... | 6852 | 9419 | 250 | 2342 | | 182 | STARK TREY: LET THERE BE | 5857 | 8599 | 298 | 1657 | | 183 | Sticks and stones may bre | 4192 | 7000 | 233 | 1397 | | 184 | IWKHUESTR ? Come on, let' | 5329 | 7604 | 165 | 769 | | 185 | "Emblem." | 16574 | 19073 | 11035 | 12068 | | 186 | A single point of failure | 7453 | 11207 | 297 | 2171 | | 187 | Ha'messiah of "sea to sta | 103 | 161 | 1 | 1 | | 188 | Green Eggs and Sisterdam. | 4439 | 6803 | 191 | 1112 | | 189 | Xerox that Ames, "Pluto S | 6294 | 8938 | 1905 | 2537 | | 190 | the Link between "art" an | 7753 | 11766 | 373 | 2145 | | 192 | Yggdrasil? As he prepares | 6035 | 8778 | 273 | 1962 | | 193 | Re: Yggdrasil? As he prep | 1311 | 2344 | 41 | 496 | | 194 | "I will not eat green egg | 7118 | 12531 | 246 | 1391 | | 195 | That's all, folks. | 6631 | 10194 | 292 | 1342 | | 196 | The 2017 rendition of "th | 1633 | 2118 | 458 | 2140 | +--------+---------------------------------+--------------+------------+----------------+--------------+ 113 rows in set (31.33 sec)
I really do hope everyone's not mad--angry or crazy--and we are without doubt 'beyond Thunderdome" the messages booming from the hammer of Thor have definately created some waves. This really is all for "Holy Purpose" a plan designed to ease the impact of a very world changing disclosure--to ensure that the world is not negatively impacted by what really is a nearly universally good change in the fundamental basics of what we call "reality." We're being given an opportunity to Si that this disclosure places us not only on the doorstep of Heaven itself, but in a place and time hallowed forever--the beginning of a new and exciting echelon of civilization. That's not to say it's going to be super EZ there's quite a bit of work to do... "there's a million things to do, you know that there are" (Yusuf Cat Stevens).
To help understand the (lack of ... ) "flow" of this Revelation; this is last years rendition of the key to the Revelation of Christ that is now on it's third or fourth iteration. It's been years (maybe a hint showing ancient design of Sears, and more proof that seeing "not seeing it" is really the core of our Exodus from logical blindness/darkness) and while it might not scream "walking on water" to you, it's proof that our chemistry elements are part of a design that ties together Ecclesiastes 9:11, Rervelation 20:1 and the name George Bush as well as the 9/11 attack. It screams "proof of Creation" to me, unfortunately it's not been popular with the media, with fringe conspiracy theory circles, or in the realm of religion. Before all of this I spent some time writing for these specific circles, and if the world were "behaving normally" I wouldn't have to tell you that this too--this is the kind of stuff that should be wildly popular in all of those places. Why isn't it, do you think?
Pretending that this wasn't moving and actionable information a year ago (and even the ear before that when this one flew around the Earth) ... leading to the identification of the "A" of Florida and the AD of NORAD is something like erasing Watergate from our history; it will result in a radically different "you" that P says puts the "eat" in "repeat" and the ... "u age" in langoliers. The Time Travelers Wife suggests it might turn your son into a daughter; but we haven't talked at all about the concept of "true randomm." The truth is the changes would probably be more akin to the Butterfly Effect, and you should see clearly now that the rain is en route that we'd probably lose these movies and Back to the Future... for sure.
What I'm "getting at" is that we need to have a clear and public undersstanding of how and why the "darkness" formed in order to ensure that we won't be vulnerable to it in the future. A large mass of people pretending that "starvation" and "ending disease" are unimportant things to speak about is not strength... it is total moral bankruptcy. The same is true of failing to logica lly connect mind control to school shootings--literally these things are my new definition of spiritual blindness; maintaining the appearance of normalcy is not a "beneficial goal" when normal is Hell.
I feel like the musick is telling me that maybe the world is putting "the myth of Jesus Christ" above the actualization of salvation--and that's an idiotic chain; Dave sings "no room for both, just room for me" and I've altered it to "we." Dodlores O ' rio rd an booms in the widly popalar "Zombie" that the violence causes silence--and she's exactly wrong, truly it's the silence that causes the violence; you cannot ignore this message anymore.
It's not an understatement to suggest that perhaps increasing visibility and understanding of the "mass ignorance of something obvious and important" is the actual intent of the message. I think we need to get over pretending ... whatever it is that the entire world is "pretending" in unison. I'm still not really sure what it is that everyone thinks they are hiding but it's pretty clear to me that "everyone acting in unison" in the face of something as sought after as the Holy Grail is nothing short of proof of mass enslavement--and I don't think that's what you're intending to hide. Look at that, all revolving around the story of Exodus--you know--to drive that "freeing you from the slavery of secrecy and hidden technology" point. I think this got decent distribution, and it might even be more clear than what I've recently written on the same set of elements--I'm trying not to repeat myself as much.
I need your help to make this news--if you happen to be "the news" it would be really awesome if you texted me (954-667-8083) or sent me an e-mail (adam at arkho dot me)--this is the kind of thing that get's ever more "breaking" as time goes on--probably in multiple senses of the word. It will always be news though, until the end of history. I hope we can avoid that, you know; ending "history."
Also this is cheap in black and white. If anyone is curious, 143 (actual statistic) people cicked the "TITHEHE" link (which is good, right?) in the last e-mail and zero people donated anything. Also, zero books were sold--if you bought a book, or donated money it's likely that I'm in a holodeck full of invisible demons laughing at me--which you should et me know by contacting me. That word, of course, a play on "shehekeyanu" and "tithe" and it might just be the answer to "chastity." It gets funnier as you see more of them, like, it grows on you--at least, it's grown on me.
Just below at the "Wh@ else should we do?" link... some suggestions that tie more fiction to a guided path of Salvation beginning with seeing the light of Minority Report, A Scanner Darkly and "do Androids dream of Electric Sheep?" to name a few. I'll have something "original" for this weekend, happy hump day.
bring Jericho down.
hμgs, tho? Si, I really can talk until the end of time.
SLAM. (Onyx)
Sea serpents feature prominently in the mythology of the Ancient Near East.[7] They are attested by the 3rd millennium bce in Sumerian ico
The Leviathan is mentioned six times in the Tanakh, in Job 3:8, Job 40:15–41:26, Amos 9:3, Psalm 74:13–23, Psalm 104:26 and Isaiah 27:1.
The Leviathan of the Book of Job is a reflection of the older Canaanite Lotan, a primeval monster defeated by the god Hadad. Parallels to the role of Mesopotamian Tiamat defeated by Marduk have long been drawn in comparative mythology, as have been wider comparisons to dragon and world serpent narratives such as Indra slaying Vrtra or Thor
Lotan (ltn) is an adjectival formation meaning "coiled", here used as a proper name;[4] the same creature has a number of possible epitheta, including "the fugitive serpent" (bṯn brḥ) and maybe (with some uncertainty deriving from manuscript lacunae) "the wriggling serpent" (bṯn ʿqltn) and "the mighty one with seven heads" (šlyṭ d.šbʿt rašm).[5]
The myth of Hadad defeating Lotan, Yahweh defeating Leviathan, Marduk defeating Tiamat (etc.) in the mythologies of the Ancient Near East are classical examples of the Chaoskampf mytheme, also reflected in Zeus' slaying of Typhon in Greek mythology[8] and Thor's struggle against Jörmungandr in the Gylfaginning portion of the Prose Edda.[9]
Typhon (/ˈtaɪfɒn, -fən/; Greek: Τυφῶν, Tuphōn [typʰɔ̂ːn]), also Typhoeus (/taɪˈfiːəs/; Τυφωεύς, Tuphōeus), Typhaon(Τυφάων, Tuphaōn) or Typhos (Τυφώς, Tuphōs), was a monstrous serpentine giant and the most deadly creature in Greek mythology. According to Hesiod, Typhon was the son of Gaia and Tartarus. However one source has Typhon as the son of Hera alone, while another makes Typhon the offspring of Cronus. Typhon and his mate Echidna were the progenitors of many famous monsters.