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layout: post title: Never before were the Roman people so wrong(ed). Nostradamus Century X:20 date: '2017-06-13T09:32:00.000-07:00' author: Adam M. Dobrin tags: modified_time: '2017-10-14T05:30:35.081-07:00' thumbnail: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lToNMqvLf6o/WUFlDbbArBI/AAAAAAAAAN8/TwCaZ2GZ2OcaoqCkYJ3lq-noEtSEJ2OywCK4BGAYYCw/s72-c/Screenshot%2B2017-05-05%2Bat%2B12.51.53%2BPM-733000.png blogger_id: tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-8758503587102933296.post-2174738000022952701 blogger_orig_url: ./2017/06/never-before-were-roman-people-so.html
Do I talk too much? Hello? Is anyone out there? Hello? Since absolutely nobody speaks to me, or about any of this rather incendiary information, imagine that nearly everything I write is a sort of autobiographical obituary; a "last breath" so to speak. Seeing the world from the eye of the storm is a strange, strange thing; knowing what I know, seeing verifiable proof of the Creation of our entire civilization ignored by governments, by the press, and really understand by just about everyone--seeing it tie directly to religion and the Plague of Darkness and the Wall of Jericho... it has filled my heart with fire.
It's the fire Prometheus stares at in his hands, wondering why we do not respond, why it will not ignite... it shows me very clearly that something is tearing at the fabric of society, of our most basic means of survival--communication. Rather than causing me to be silent, it has done exactly the opposite--coerced me to scream at the top of my lungs; to seek out more of this verifiable proof and to use it something like the narrative Fifth Element depicts, as a weapon of light designed clearly with the intent of defeating this darkness, this silence... this invasion that is depicted in the story of Nero, in the Fiddler on the Roof... this fire...
Everything I have written this last year has come at a point just about as close to death as you can get, and still be able to deliver a message like this to the world. That's what this silence and this rift in our world has done to me; it has nearly killed me, overcoming it is personal.
Everything I have written this last year has come at a point just about as close to death as you can get, and still be able to deliver a message like this to the world. That's what this silence and this rift in our world has done to me; it has nearly killed me, overcoming it is personal.
For some "Saint Everyone-Willing-Art..." the homeless, homed.

On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 12:45 PM, Adam M. Dobrin <[email protected]> wrote:
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I can finally sleep at night.
311 That's great, it starts with an earthquake
911 Birds and snakes, and aeroplanes
411 And Lenny Bruce is not afraid
Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn
World serves its own needs,
Don't mis-serve your own needs
Speed it up a notch, speed, grunt, no, strength,
The ladder starts to clatter
With a fear of height, down, height
Wire in a fire, represent the seven games
And a government for hire and a combat site
Left her, wasn't coming in a hurry
With the Furies breathing down your neck
Team by team, reporters baffled, trumped, tethered, cropped

So you think you can tell the difference between Heaven and Hell? Fake blue skies, and ending all pain? Those are my initials in the logo above, my name is Adam Marshall Dobrin and they are the beginning of proof that we live in a virtual world that is a map to building Heaven out of "raelity." With some research, you will have no doubt that this is God's plan for our world and that we are his solution, to a Universe of problems that we have the keys to solving. The message focuses on technology and freedom and how these thing together, armed with the power of humanity... our innate goodness and love place us at the very beginning of Heaven itself. Please share my name and this message with everyone you can; these first acts of spreading the "good news" are saintly, the making of angels. We are overcoming a barrier of censorship and lack of understanding that serve to highlight just how important free communication and free thought are to our lofty goal; it has not been an easy road, but we are nearly home.
I should qualify that these are both shared resources of the people--oil under our ground and our own money supply (however fake or fiat it really is:) and they do belong to us, they really do. Nationalization is a strong word, often thought of as "theft," you know, like "taxation;" so at the "foot of our Christ (theft); I might suggest the people buy the shareholders out at a "fair price," and use the ongoing profits for the common good, as they should be used. You know, if you don't jump on the "we can just Abel power everything" (that's Adam "believes" everyone's light" in a place where light and longevity are linked). You might see why "Abel" doesn't make it, in a place where we are being told we need to figure out how to power our home.
I had also meant to include this John Stewart clip; which does a good job of explaining how silly we look... on "homelessness" for this message about home theft. I really do suggest you watch it. "Stew" by the way is "Saint Every Willing" and for those of you interested in the religious connection to Exodus; that group is probably the progenitor of "Everyone Really" and also most likely the source of our power today.... and this drive to save the world.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6
So here we are still getting barraged with e-mails, instead of some more normal form of communication, like a blog or Twitter or Facebook, you know... how other "famous" people communicate. There's really no excuse for what is going on here, whether you "believe me" or not on this plane, there's enough of you here who are sure, and a whole other world that is very sure that the Creator is speaking through my hand... that this should have been kindled already, it's all by design, an event to change the world--and we are sitting here staring at "blue skies all around me, and the world looks just the same." That in itself is proof that something is very wrong all around us.
I want to explain that what I am providing is a message of examples and suggestions from God, wisdom if you will; that these are things that we think you should do, just as soon as you possibly can--a power that comes from the revolution that is the Second Coming. You are not handing me the keys to the car on the 'road to Heaven," I am handing them to you--but you really have to see that you aren't going anywhere right now, and that I am going to be a loud backseat driver until you start driving on the road, in the right direction.
From the fiery altar in the backseat, I personally think that we should be nationalizing the banks that were not only responsible for the financial crisis of 2008; marked with the number of Satan at 666 on the "Standard and Poors" index... through their incompetence, negligence, and evil--but in the aftermath responsible for doing nothing short of stealing a fortune from the people, the land itself, our savings, and to protect their "too big to survive" institutions going forward, they have responded by increasing fees, penalties, and doing all of this while stealing interest on money that they do not hold in their reserves using rules that violate any kind of natural logic.
At the same time they are complicit in allowing the United States government to do nothing short of "refinance" the entirety of the national debt at practically 0% perfect interest; stealing even more money not just from the American people now, but from every single bond holder... foreign governments from all the way from China to the UK; and doing all of this while they were manipulating not only the currency markets, but causing the spread of our malign woes to nearly every foreign securities market. All of this, with the government coming out on top of the people, and a looming threat of hyperinflation that is being made even more exacerbated by the continuation of pump and dump economics--I mean "stimulus" and "trickle down economics" that do nothing less than steal value from every single one of you.. by lowering the intrinsic value of the dollar.
While I'm screaming from the back stead, I should probably add in that we might be better off nationalizing the Oil companies; you know, the ones that pay zero taxes and extract fortunes in subsidies from our pockets... for no reason other than having a lobby and financial control of our legislators--something that really needs to stop also. So, once again, corporate campaign contributions are doing significantly more harm than you think; literally putting our "government of the people" in the hands of non-corporeal entities that are leeches, parasites taking our birthright from us.
Render to Caesar what Caesar is due. Mark 12:17
Just to comment, as I walk the streets, it really does appear like "absolutely everyone" knows what's going on; who I am, and ... oh right, probably not what it is that I am saying--if we are not getting the message, we are losing control of our communications infrastructure, of Television and the Internet... and replacing it with some form of dark "knowing," a half-assed solution with no record, no accountability, and no way to verify if anything going on is actually what was said. Worse than all that, you are losing your input, and the great collaboration and idea sharing that comes from open and honest communication. We are losing everything, if we do not light this fire, literally.... from our homes to our land and world.
Here's a reminder connecting "Quantitative Easing" to "Quantum Entanglement' and "Quickening Enlightenment," remember, these things are "magic" and magic always fails in the end when it flies in the face of nature, rather than augmenting it. Before signing off here, you might see "art, "Adam" and "us" in the name Nostradamus, that we are traversing during this Revelation; turning around, I swear, before we read "No Saint" at the second "new beginning." These might seem like "radical ideas" but that's what I am, an advocate for radical change in a place that I know is Hell; really see that in the light of day, this oil is fake, the money we use is meaningless, and we have infinite power--just around the corner, as soon as we realize that the scarcity we have here is... all artificial, virtual, a game.