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For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.

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User ID: 32711762
04/07/2013 09:16 PM
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For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
Directly from the horse's mouth.. or mind as it were.

The "so called" secrets of Satan [link to unduecoercion.com]

And now, to hell with all the Satan crap.. the Apocalypse of Adam:

Intertwined in a helical spiral, the 7 seals of Revelation and the 7 days of creation spin around truth, whirling around the trinity of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. A sincere commentary on the duality of nature, technology, and knowledge--one which is only "made good" when joined at the hip with caution, morality, and a great deal of luck. Our "singularity," the influx of ideas and information which has been slowly trickling like a creek through a rock wall from the days of Newton's apple, to Apple Computer's 1984 television add... filled between by the holy sea, ha'esh--humanity blissfully... in the dark.

[link to www.unduecoercion.com]

It is Shavuot 2014, and the giving of the Torah is the illumination of its hidden message, that we are in the Apocalypse, and Rome, Egypt, Eden, and Jerusalem are all congealing around.. America and Earth, the true Living Book, as the page turns... all books in the Pentateuch point to the giving of the law, Leviticus. As we approach Pentecost, this is the year the the devarim become the fingers of the Loving Hand, to be writers rather than written...

[link to www.unduecoercion.com]

Science and knowledge aside, this is what it's really all about. Adam's family, all his children, really all humanity are Family in Eden. Cousins in Christ, the Sea we should see.. our love for one another is truly what will set us all free. Humor doesn't fall short in the book of WE, to tell us all that it's not a single Me, or a Messiah that can change the tides, but a we, all family, all together, with eyes to see.

[link to www.unduecoercion.com]

Last Edited by Prometheus.Locke on 06/07/2014 09:36 AM

User ID: 24816411
United States
04/08/2013 11:39 AM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 37389845
United States
04/08/2013 11:47 AM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
I believe this song sums up what you've mentioned here pretty well...

[link to www.youtube.com]

User ID: 24816411
United States
04/08/2013 11:49 AM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
Might I make an obversation. If it is inside your head, then you are also inside its head.

Next time it makes "contact" with you, stop being the prey, and become the predator.

Last Edited by theorigionalzombiekiller on 04/08/2013 11:49 AM
Prometheus.Locke  (OP)

User ID: 1310687
United States
04/08/2013 12:04 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
It has shown me that it is not just inside my head, but everyone's. The amount of control it has is questionable, but certainly even subtle control on a grand scale is enough to change the course of human history--which it has also shown me it has done time and time again.

Dendera: [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com]

Jeremiah and James Tilly Matthews: [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com] (huge correlation to gang-stalking)

Hitler and the CIA: [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com]

JFK: [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com]

Orwell: [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com]

PKD: [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com]

It is difficult to explain, but finding these things.. and understanding their relation to the demiurge was not my doing. These things were "revealed" to me a bit later in the story, in such a way that it is obvious to me that it came from "it."

Last Edited by Prometheus.Locke on 04/08/2013 12:06 PM
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 24179936
04/08/2013 12:08 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
hmm I'll save this for later.

User ID: 24816411
United States
04/08/2013 12:12 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
It has shown me that it is not just inside my head, but everyone's. The amount of control it has is questionable, but certainly even subtle control on a grand scale is enough to change the course of human history--which it has also shown me it has done time and time again.

Dendera: [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com]

Jeremiah and James Tilly Matthews: [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com]

Hitler and the CIA: [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com]

JFK: [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com]

Orwell: [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com]

PKD: [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com]

It is difficult to explain, but finding these things.. and understanding their relation to the demiurge was not my doing. These things were "revealed" to me a bit later in the story, in such a way that it is obvious to me that it came from "it."
 Quoting: Prometheus.Locke

Hey, I hear ya. The Demiurge is the real deal. I guess what I'm saying is, it wouldn't be bothering with you unless it needed you. Just like "The Truman Show"-all of those actors only had meaning to what they were doing because of Truman. Its the same with the Demiurge. It has power and influence, and this world is in its grip, but at some basic level it can not exist without us.

Now that doesn't mean that it can't make things unpleasent. The thing is, it already has. But again, look at all the effort it has to put into manipulating our reality. I believe that at some point, maybe no time soon, but someday, it is going to lose that control it is so desperate to mainatin. Considering that its perspective is "outside time" it is probably experiencing this disempowerment right now.

So the next time it tries to intimidate you directly, stand your ground and remind it that eventually, someday, it is going to have to answer to you for what it has done to this world.

Last Edited by theorigionalzombiekiller on 04/08/2013 12:12 PM
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 36611906
United States
04/08/2013 12:15 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
Looking forward to the rest of your story, OP.

As far as Jesus...it says right in the bible to trust no one. Why would anyone trust Jesus then? It's like the entity made sure all "sides" were worshipping it.

And also strange timing. I was just reading Harner's "The way of the shaman" and he explains his ayahuasca experience--- in which he sees black bat-like beings that tell him that, since he is dying, he is allowed to hear secret knowledge. The secret knowledge, basically, is that these beings flee to earth and create, control and enslave humans for their own agenda.

Here is the link:

[link to www.scribd.com]

(Page 5 in the book)
User ID: 37517168
United States
04/08/2013 12:24 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
Sounds like demons to me. If they are so technically advanced it would seem they wouldnt waste their time with us, the bible tells us almost the same story u just told us.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 36611906
United States
04/08/2013 12:29 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
Sounds like demons to me. If they are so technically advanced it would seem they wouldnt waste their time with us, the bible tells us almost the same story u just told us.
 Quoting: wiede 37517168

That's like saying a technically advanced human has no need for the little things in life, like food or clothing.

How is it that humans still need to kill in order to survive? We are not advanced enough to manufacture our own energy or proliferation.

The suggestion is that the demiurge needs us as much as we need our food down on the food chain to survive.

User ID: 24816411
United States
04/08/2013 12:30 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
Just fyi, almost every one of Black Sabbath's songs is about this stuff. Their 1992 album "Dehumanizer" is completely dedicated to the subject.

Philip K Dick wrote extensivly about the Demiurge.

OP, don't stress too much, there are people out there who "know". Keep doing what you can to fight the good fight.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 37659062
04/08/2013 12:37 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
How do you get that elevator in that putin room...
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 32412687
United States
04/08/2013 12:46 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
Sounds like demons to me. If they are so technically advanced it would seem they wouldnt waste their time with us, the bible tells us almost the same story u just told us.
 Quoting: wiede 37517168

sounds like that to me too, i've seen people demonically possessed and have been in haunted houses

demons do exist and they are pretty scary and do know what you're thinking and can manifest in different ways (things that are hard to explain/coincidences)

User ID: 1308649
United States
04/08/2013 12:51 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
I am not alone.
Thank you for sharing.
"They cannot see what's-up if They are looking down." (TastyThoughts)
"Something is smelly! Something is smelly, like an old barnacle encrusted shoe washing ashore in the middle of summer." (TastyThoughts)
"Yes happy Earth day. Now go tell the wicked to stop damaging the Human Species therefore/and the Earth; For, they are discombobulating the entire Universe and upsetting the Most High God." (TastyThoughts)
Prometheus.Locke  (OP)

User ID: 35566260
04/08/2013 02:16 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
time is short. those that know need to be getting the truth out as quickly as possible.

From what it tells me we have only a few years to prepare.
Prometheus.Locke  (OP)

User ID: 37679656
United States
04/08/2013 02:18 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
Sounds like demons to me. If they are so technically advanced it would seem they wouldnt waste their time with us, the bible tells us almost the same story u just told us.
 Quoting: wiede 37517168

sounds like that to me too, i've seen people demonically possessed and have been in haunted houses

demons do exist and they are pretty scary and do know what you're thinking and can manifest in different ways (things that are hard to explain/coincidences)
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 32412687

It's not "demons," it is "the demon." I have personally seen it manipulate the minds of people all around the eastern seaboard. The details will be in the follow up, but suffice it to say it can influence anyone anywhere, and it has proven as much to me.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 37676987
United Kingdom
04/08/2013 02:21 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
[link to www.youtube.com]
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 36611906
United States
04/08/2013 02:57 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
time is short. those that know need to be getting the truth out as quickly as possible.

From what it tells me we have only a few years to prepare.
 Quoting: Prometheus.Locke

Prepare for what?

How to prepare?
Being * gnieB

User ID: 14631884
United States
04/08/2013 03:23 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
Thomas Minderle aka 'Montalk'

[link to montalk.net]

Speaks very precise and eloquently about how genuine Human Beings can: "Transcending The Matrix Control System" (see websites or Hulu printed volumes 1 & 2)

How the corrupted Demiurge became corrupted (very startling), its prime directive, its need for controlled and dominated Humanity (as food) and speculations on the end game, which we are apparently well into (!)

All the very best through this. One can obviously 'phase' out of their (lower) frequency, however, it requires commitment, attention, discipline and lots of discernment/perspicacity...

Last Edited by Being * gnieB on 04/08/2013 03:26 PM
Prometheus.Locke  (OP)

User ID: 1202268
04/08/2013 03:43 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
There are aliens coming... probably with the supposed intent of saving us from the demiurge. Our history is riddled with false evidence of alien intervention. The flying shields of rome and foofighters are a set up -- visual hallucinations that would be simple to create with mind control, the power of the demiurge. The question is whether the demiurge is attempting to set up the aliens prior to their arrival, so we distrust them and deny their aid. There is also significant modern literature and art (movies etc) pushing us towards a distrust of any "visitors".

I think they are working with it, but I'm not sure who is in control. It could also be that the aliens will be nothing more than a man made false flag invasion... as many have speculated before. Either way, there has been a significant effort put forth to "prove" they have been here meddling, though the only real evidence we have is of a mind control influence... all the way back to Egypt.

User ID: 15965235
United States
04/08/2013 04:01 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
OP, maybe you will find this helpful as well, something I posted in another thread:

The thing I had the hardest time with early on as far as comprehending the nature of the “conspiracy” we are faced with, was the apparent competition between the different groups involved. Not so much as in Republicans vs. Democrats, or Capitalism vs. Communism, because its readily apparent that these and other mainstream conflicts are mostly just a puppet show, duality at work/the Hegelian Dialect at play (although I’m starting to reevaluate somewhat the Capitalism/Communism thing, I think there might be some foundation of an actual difference between the goals of the instigators of both groups, at least when the philosophies were initially being set up. This is explained below).

Take Freemasonry and the Catholic Church, for example. The Vatican has a clear record of anti-Masonic actions. It was responsible for disbanding the Knights Templar. It is against catholic rules to even be a Freemason (although they have their own version somewhat, in the Knights of Columbus). Or even broader, the conflict between the church/the Establishment, and paganism. Pretty much everyone on this board will agree that establishment religions of the world are just as esoteric as the traditionally recognized “pagan” groups, yet throughout time the establishment has persecuted mercilessly the beliefs of “witches and warlocks”.

So what is going on? If they are all part of the same conspiracy, why the apparent conflicts? Can it be explained away simply as a turf war, a sort of “Game of Thrones” competition between groups, ultimately holding the same goal but each one wanting to be the first to get there? (This actually is what I have determined went down between the church and Masonry ultimately, although I think it started because the Templars, which went on to become Masonry, were compromised somehow by their exposure to eastern esoteric thought and practices, and after the church took steps to counteract this, the church decided to just disband the whole lot and take the Templar’s monetary stockpile)

Even accounting for the layers of subterfuge present with the false disagreements “They” play out to keep us distracted via politics and social constructs (education disparities, cultural affiliations, sports team allegiances lol) I have always sensed there is an actual difference between the establishment groups and their secret societies (church and state/skull and bones and masonry etc.), and the organizations outside of this framework (various and sundry).

So, what is this difference? What are the goals of both groups?

I believe the answer can be found within the body of Gnostic teachings. Wherein The Demiurge/Yaldaboath/Yahweh has created and maintains this false reality we are caught up in. His archons assist in this. I believe the establishment, which is for the most part the governments etc., takes part in this. They are allied with the archonic control Matrix. These guys are the standard TPTB. They just want the same pyramid style structure of elite rule and control to continue via the deceptions of duality and the Hegelian dialect. They want a “NWO” in the sense of a better system of control, and are actively working toward achieving it as we speak.

However, I also think they face opposition in a group of archons who seek to overthrow their creator. They seek to become the Gods of the Matrix, or variously, to destroy it completely. This was Agent Smith’s goal in The Matrix films, and the Demiurge (the Machines/archons) were forced to ally with Neo to stop this. I have come to the conclusion that the group we commonly refer to as “The Illuminati” may in actuality be this group, and not the group we usually term “The Powers That Be”. They seek a “NWO” in the sense of a true tearing down of precedent, as opposed to the rule of the Old World Order. They seek ascension.

Of course within and around these two opposing sides there is and can be any number of other groups pursuing their own agendas. For example, Alistair Crowley, “The Nobody”, etc, are not easily categorized in my opinion, at least with the information we have.
Prometheus.Locke  (OP)

User ID: 9001864
04/08/2013 04:53 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
Sounds like demons to me. If they are so technically advanced it would seem they wouldnt waste their time with us, the bible tells us almost the same story u just told us.
 Quoting: wiede 37517168

.... where?
Prometheus.Locke  (OP)

User ID: 27133877
04/08/2013 05:07 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
OP, maybe you will find this helpful as well, something I posted in another thread:

The thing I had the hardest time with early on as far as comprehending the nature of the “conspiracy” we are faced with, was the apparent competition between the different groups involved. Not so much as in Republicans vs. Democrats, or Capitalism vs. Communism, because its readily apparent that these and other mainstream conflicts are mostly just a puppet show, duality at work/the Hegelian Dialect at play (although I’m starting to reevaluate somewhat the Capitalism/Communism thing, I think there might be some foundation of an actual difference between the goals of the instigators of both groups, at least when the philosophies were initially being set up. This is explained below).

Take Freemasonry and the Catholic Church, for example. The Vatican has a clear record of anti-Masonic actions. It was responsible for disbanding the Knights Templar. It is against catholic rules to even be a Freemason (although they have their own version somewhat, in the Knights of Columbus). Or even broader, the conflict between the church/the Establishment, and paganism. Pretty much everyone on this board will agree that establishment religions of the world are just as esoteric as the traditionally recognized “pagan” groups, yet throughout time the establishment has persecuted mercilessly the beliefs of “witches and warlocks”.

So what is going on? If they are all part of the same conspiracy, why the apparent conflicts? Can it be explained away simply as a turf war, a sort of “Game of Thrones” competition between groups, ultimately holding the same goal but each one wanting to be the first to get there? (This actually is what I have determined went down between the church and Masonry ultimately, although I think it started because the Templars, which went on to become Masonry, were compromised somehow by their exposure to eastern esoteric thought and practices, and after the church took steps to counteract this, the church decided to just disband the whole lot and take the Templar’s monetary stockpile)

Even accounting for the layers of subterfuge present with the false disagreements “They” play out to keep us distracted via politics and social constructs (education disparities, cultural affiliations, sports team allegiances lol) I have always sensed there is an actual difference between the establishment groups and their secret societies (church and state/skull and bones and masonry etc.), and the organizations outside of this framework (various and sundry).

So, what is this difference? What are the goals of both groups?

I believe the answer can be found within the body of Gnostic teachings. Wherein The Demiurge/Yaldaboath/Yahweh has created and maintains this false reality we are caught up in. His archons assist in this. I believe the establishment, which is for the most part the governments etc., takes part in this. They are allied with the archonic control Matrix. These guys are the standard TPTB. They just want the same pyramid style structure of elite rule and control to continue via the deceptions of duality and the Hegelian dialect. They want a “NWO” in the sense of a better system of control, and are actively working toward achieving it as we speak.

However, I also think they face opposition in a group of archons who seek to overthrow their creator. They seek to become the Gods of the Matrix, or variously, to destroy it completely. This was Agent Smith’s goal in The Matrix films, and the Demiurge (the Machines/archons) were forced to ally with Neo to stop this. I have come to the conclusion that the group we commonly refer to as “The Illuminati” may in actuality be this group, and not the group we usually term “The Powers That Be”. They seek a “NWO” in the sense of a true tearing down of precedent, as opposed to the rule of the Old World Order. They seek ascension.

Of course within and around these two opposing sides there is and can be any number of other groups pursuing their own agendas. For example, Alistair Crowley, “The Nobody”, etc, are not easily categorized in my opinion, at least with the information we have.
 Quoting: theorigionalzombiekiller

You might be interested in this. It is the most significant MO I can find for this entity. It is essentially what has happened to the United States.. two sides are at war, both are being assisted by the "entity" in the end the winning side loses because it takes on the ideology of the loser.

i.e. Fascism rules today, because of an infestation of fascists, communists, and organized crime inside our ranks.

IHS (Isis Horus Set) [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com]

It seems clear to me that the entire "alien" thing is a facade. The hallucinations of foofighters and flying shields seem clear -- obviously if there were technologically advanced aliens intervening "secretly" they'd certainly be able to keep us from seeing them, and recording it in history.

Along the same lines, Roswell and the "movement" of alien abductions for the last 60 years seems to be equally faked. Implants were found, which are antiquated and useless compared to the technology the demiurge itself has used (and we have since acquired)... they would not be so careless as to leave evidence.

All of these things have been done intentionally, regardless, that doesn't tell us if the visitors are good or bad for us, only that the demiurge would like to blame them...

Of course this is obvious, so it's possible the aliens created the demiurge to create a frame job that would be ruled out as the truth for the very same reasons.

Do I sound like the Sicilian yet?

User ID: 15965235
United States
04/08/2013 05:17 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
OP, maybe you will find this helpful as well, something I posted in another thread:

The thing I had the hardest time with early on as far as comprehending the nature of the “conspiracy” we are faced with, was the apparent competition between the different groups involved. Not so much as in Republicans vs. Democrats, or Capitalism vs. Communism, because its readily apparent that these and other mainstream conflicts are mostly just a puppet show, duality at work/the Hegelian Dialect at play (although I’m starting to reevaluate somewhat the Capitalism/Communism thing, I think there might be some foundation of an actual difference between the goals of the instigators of both groups, at least when the philosophies were initially being set up. This is explained below).

Take Freemasonry and the Catholic Church, for example. The Vatican has a clear record of anti-Masonic actions. It was responsible for disbanding the Knights Templar. It is against catholic rules to even be a Freemason (although they have their own version somewhat, in the Knights of Columbus). Or even broader, the conflict between the church/the Establishment, and paganism. Pretty much everyone on this board will agree that establishment religions of the world are just as esoteric as the traditionally recognized “pagan” groups, yet throughout time the establishment has persecuted mercilessly the beliefs of “witches and warlocks”.

So what is going on? If they are all part of the same conspiracy, why the apparent conflicts? Can it be explained away simply as a turf war, a sort of “Game of Thrones” competition between groups, ultimately holding the same goal but each one wanting to be the first to get there? (This actually is what I have determined went down between the church and Masonry ultimately, although I think it started because the Templars, which went on to become Masonry, were compromised somehow by their exposure to eastern esoteric thought and practices, and after the church took steps to counteract this, the church decided to just disband the whole lot and take the Templar’s monetary stockpile)

Even accounting for the layers of subterfuge present with the false disagreements “They” play out to keep us distracted via politics and social constructs (education disparities, cultural affiliations, sports team allegiances lol) I have always sensed there is an actual difference between the establishment groups and their secret societies (church and state/skull and bones and masonry etc.), and the organizations outside of this framework (various and sundry).

So, what is this difference? What are the goals of both groups?

I believe the answer can be found within the body of Gnostic teachings. Wherein The Demiurge/Yaldaboath/Yahweh has created and maintains this false reality we are caught up in. His archons assist in this. I believe the establishment, which is for the most part the governments etc., takes part in this. They are allied with the archonic control Matrix. These guys are the standard TPTB. They just want the same pyramid style structure of elite rule and control to continue via the deceptions of duality and the Hegelian dialect. They want a “NWO” in the sense of a better system of control, and are actively working toward achieving it as we speak.

However, I also think they face opposition in a group of archons who seek to overthrow their creator. They seek to become the Gods of the Matrix, or variously, to destroy it completely. This was Agent Smith’s goal in The Matrix films, and the Demiurge (the Machines/archons) were forced to ally with Neo to stop this. I have come to the conclusion that the group we commonly refer to as “The Illuminati” may in actuality be this group, and not the group we usually term “The Powers That Be”. They seek a “NWO” in the sense of a true tearing down of precedent, as opposed to the rule of the Old World Order. They seek ascension.

Of course within and around these two opposing sides there is and can be any number of other groups pursuing their own agendas. For example, Alistair Crowley, “The Nobody”, etc, are not easily categorized in my opinion, at least with the information we have.
 Quoting: theorigionalzombiekiller

You might be interested in this. It is the most significant MO I can find for this entity. It is essentially what has happened to the United States.. two sides are at war, both are being assisted by the "entity" in the end the winning side loses because it takes on the ideology of the loser.

i.e. Fascism rules today, because of an infestation of fascists, communists, and organized crime inside our ranks.

IHS (Isis Horus Set) [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com]

It seems clear to me that the entire "alien" thing is a facade. The hallucinations of foofighters and flying shields seem clear -- obviously if there were technologically advanced aliens intervening "secretly" they'd certainly be able to keep us from seeing them, and recording it in history.

Along the same lines, Roswell and the "movement" of alien abductions for the last 60 years seems to be equally faked. Implants were found, which are antiquated and useless compared to the technology the demiurge itself has used (and we have since acquired)... they would not be so careless as to leave evidence.

All of these things have been done intentionally, regardless, that doesn't tell us if the visitors are good or bad for us, only that the demiurge would like to blame them...

Of course this is obvious, so it's possible the aliens created the demiurge to create a frame job that would be ruled out as the truth for the very same reasons.

Do I sound like the Sicilian yet?
 Quoting: Prometheus.Locke

10-4, I will check this out.
Weasel Keeper

User ID: 37670590
United States
04/08/2013 06:03 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
Directly from the horse's mouth.. or mind as it were.

[link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com]
 Quoting: Prometheus.Locke

This is one weird website.
Wild Weasels? You've got to be shitting me!
Prometheus.Locke  (OP)

User ID: 24411442
04/08/2013 07:05 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
Thanks, its mostly either from personal experience, or direct interaction with.... [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com] the not illuminati.

If you can tell from the story above, various uses of mind control technology have been shown to me, in action, around the USA. From that information, looking back on history is like finally having a magnifying glass to read microfiche.

Last Edited by Prometheus.Locke on 04/08/2013 07:06 PM
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 37450950
United States
04/08/2013 07:17 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 32412687
United States
04/08/2013 07:24 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
Thanks, its mostly either from personal experience, or direct interaction with.... [link to unduecoercion.blogspot.com] the not illuminati.

If you can tell from the story above, various uses of mind control technology have been shown to me, in action, around the USA. From that information, looking back on history is like finally having a magnifying glass to read microfiche.
 Quoting: Prometheus.Locke

when you think of it that way we are all part of this mind control experiment since we are born

we were mind controlled to believe in this materialized world to consume/buy and chase after paper money

but what i want to know is who is the one holding the strings of this deception on earth, what is this intelligent design being's goal exactly other than to enslave us human beings to work for endless and constanly changing material objects/wants/needs that we cannot bring with us when we die?

what is the purpose of this human life?
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 31904195
United States
04/08/2013 08:16 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
so OP what you are saying is that this demiurge has made you believe that Jesus Christ is another persona of the satan?

if so, you are sinking into a strong delusion already and the tribulation has not even started yet.
Prometheus.Locke  (OP)

User ID: 10545675
04/08/2013 09:03 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
no secrets, maybe...

the father of lies hides the truth from all, though.
Prometheus.Locke  (OP)

User ID: 1332771
04/08/2013 09:04 PM
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Re: For all eyes to see... the so called "deep secrets" of Satan.
so OP what you are saying is that this demiurge has made you believe that Jesus Christ is another persona of the satan?

if so, you are sinking into a strong delusion already and the tribulation has not even started yet.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 31904195

the tribulation is well underway.. this may be your great delusion.

no, i am not saying that christ and satan are one in the same, I am telling you that both are nothing but deception.

you will find truth in neither the father of lies nor the god of love and forgiveness.. the truth is within.

Last Edited by Prometheus.Locke on 04/08/2013 09:04 PM
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