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IamA Modern Day Prophet, no really. AMA!

Posted by6 years ago

IamA Modern Day Prophet, no really. AMA!


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level 1
12 points · 6 years ago

It's actually important to see a mental health professional. No matter how profound your revelations are or have been, literally everything you are writing is like the most typical case of schizophrenia I've ever seen.

first-rank symptoms or Schneider's first-rank symptoms.

  • delusions of being controlled by an external force;

  • the belief that thoughts are being inserted into or withdrawn from one's conscious mind; the belief that one's thoughts are being broadcast to other people;

  • and hearing hallucinatory voices that comment on one's thoughts or actions or that have a conversation with other hallucinated voices

The journey you've been through, and the visions you've had, have indeed been real, but they are real for you, and they are probably more personal than you'd think. Please get some help.

level 2
Original Poster2 points · 6 years ago · edited 6 years ago

Thanks for your heartfelt post. As I have said earlier in comments, I am well aware that our society labels anyone that believes they are conversing telepathically with a higher power as as schizophrenic. Our civilization also contains a huge number of people who wholeheartedly believe in the statements and ideas of people who lived over the last four thousand years or so, who today would have been labeled as such.

I have written somewhat extensively on the phenomenon, and personally am positive that at least some cases of schizophrenia are actually the effects of an attack by this outside force, part of their method for controlling the development of our society. I'd love to hear your thoughts, if you can open your mind, on the following pages.

One of the most significant "events" which has been revealed to me includes a synchronicity between the development of schizophrenia in our "science," and what I believe is a Biblically predicted attack by "Satan" in Revelation: the gang stalking phenomenon.

In a parallel to the timelike synchronicity between Huxley and Orwell, Nash and Matthews share equidistant 81 years between their schizophrenia diagnoses in 1797 and 1959, respectively; and the recording of the disease in 1878, by Emil Kraepelin combined the various diseases of the mind, who named it 'Dementia Praecox'.

Angleton has his own timelike synchronicity revolving around 1959, with his entry to the Army and his resignation from the CIA exactly 16 years equidistant, in 1943 and 1975.

Part of that synchronicity includes a gentlemen named James Tilly Matthews, who suffered from paranoia and persecutory delusions about things that were not even remotely possible during his time, nor written about, but today are. I find it hard to believe that his mind could have come up with such detailed and prescient delusions on its own, without the help of an outside entity. To me, this "synchronicity" is a long term information operation to create the delusion in society at large that any communication with God is a mental disorder--it seems to have worked.

This "coincidence" in itself could just be a coincidence, when paired with a number of other events which were revealed to me at the exact same time, along with the type of pattern itself, it seems to me to be something that is so statistically significant that it should at least convince readers that the phenomenon could be real.

Timelike Synchronicity:

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner. The concept of synchronicity was first described in this terminology by Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychologist, in the 1920s.[1]

Timelike Entanglement: is the connection, via quantum entanglement, through time. It is described in this article, and clearly states that it revolves around a pattern of equidistant time periods between events.

Taken together, these things form timelike synchronicity, which is the linking of two or more events which are casually related, though the relation is not apparent in anything more than their general theme, though the connection implicates the influence of an intelligent external force in the group of events.

I can assure you there is no way I "created" the messages I have received internally, either consciously or subconsciously. Why is it, do you think, that people find that so hard to believe? Its very paradoxical, considering the majority of the planet puts great faith our worlds religions.

level 1
6 points · 6 years ago

I think you might benefit from therapy.

level 2
Original Poster5 points · 6 years ago

Thanks, I think anyone going through the kind of hellish torture I have been through would probably benefit from therapy also. I happen to be doing well now, for the past few months, though that's not always the case. I appreciate the concern.

level 1
4 points · 6 years ago

I am also a prophet, lols

level 1
Scheduled AMA
Moderator of r/IAmA, speaking officially5 points · 6 years ago

Hello endtimesprophet! Your post has been removed because this topic isn't suitable for r/IAmA. Try posting in /r/CasualIAmA instead. Sorry for the inconvenience!

level 1
3 points · 6 years ago

What is your section of religious writings going to be called?

level 2
Original Poster2 points · 6 years ago · edited 6 years ago

Nearly all of my writing is related to the fulfillment of Revelation during our modern time. Concepts like advanced technology, alien intervention, and corruption of government and human self rule are central to the vision of the Apocalypse that has been imparted on me.

Edit: I haven't decided on a name for this particular book. I was considering something related to Lux Et Veritas, which is Light and Truth in latin.

level 1
Comment deleted by user6 years ago
level 2
Original Poster1 point · 6 years ago

I will look into these.. thanks :)

level 1
2 points · 6 years ago

How would you best describe yourself?

level 2
Original Poster2 points · 6 years ago

I am a gang stalking victim, which is related to mind control. Through a significant amount of research and a 3 year "revelation period," I've come to the conclusion that these victims are the 144,000 "Saints" from Revelation.

Prior to this three year period, I was a computer programmer for about 15 years. I attended a fairly well rated state school for college, and did very well on my SAT and PSAT. I grew up in a "middle class" family, and never in a million years would have expected the events of the last 3 to have transpired. My entire world has changed.

level 1
2 points · 6 years ago

I was a modern day prophet (ironically) about three years ago. A couple of weeks of risperidone cleared it right up.

level 2
1 point · 6 years ago

What was the transition back from that like? You could make for a seriously interesting ama.

level 2
Original Poster1 point · 6 years ago

What kind of messages did you receive? Could you tell me more about your experience? I'm well aware that our society at large labels anyone that says they speak to a higher power as a shizophrenic, and also puts a significant amount of weight and belief into those 'schizophrenics' that lived thousands of years ago. It's not the most rational position for us to be taking, and as I have said before; is indicative of a trend towards believing we "know everything" and a supreme amount of arrogance as a society.

I'm glad you are better. Thanks for sharing.

level 1
2 points · 6 years ago

You're kidding, right?

level 2
Original Poster1 point · 6 years ago

No. I'm totally series. Which part is funny?

level 1
2 points · 6 years ago

How does it feel knowing you're a shitty manipulator?

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Created May 27, 2009