The Truman Show Series, Testimony of Gang-stalking, OSEH | |
Chris12138 User ID: 24350462 ![]() 01/07/2013 08:25 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | |
Anonymous Coward User ID: 27026395 ![]() 01/07/2013 08:32 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | |
Prometheus.Locke (OP) User ID: 1400946 ![]() 01/07/2013 10:05 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | [link to] She was nowhere to be found, but what she had told me stuck in my head. What kind of TV show could I be on? Maybe it explained all the strange behavior me and my girlfriend had been noticing for the past month... her strange behavior. Maybe she knows. I wondered how they could get away with it.. a reality show where the participants were unaware it was going on.. I have to find out more. Quickly I joined another room, and spoke aloud, "can you hear me?" No reply came, and I felt a combination of relief and disappointment. Not sure what to do next, I sat and watched for a few minutes, before decided to get a little bolder and try to send a coded message to the model. I tipped 7 tokens, with a message attached "anything you want to tell me?" The girl had been talking on the screen, but I hadn't really heard the words, then they began focusing in my head, I heard her say "he think's that's the number of God.... he's not right." It's important to note here that while it was being clearly communicated to me, and shown via responses and actions, that these people were responding to my thoughts and beliefs ... things which there is no possible way they could have any knowledge of, that I just didn't get it. I guess I recognized that fact, but it didn't flow through to my other thoughts, like the cognitive process was disconnected. Most of the time, when you learn a new fact, or think about a new possibility, it causes past ideas and views to be re-evaluated, changed, or at least "recollected." That didn't happen here, its almost like I was subconsciously ignoring the entire thing. At this point it was probably 2 or 3 am, and I had been up since early the previous morning. It's possible I was too tired to concentrate, but even then, such a strange occurrence would most likely have made a huge impression, even more so than the false UFO I had seen a half hour or so earlier, but it didn't. In short, it was knowing something without understanding it. I glanced over to my buddy list on the right hand side of the window, clicked on another name, and joined that room. This time the girl was in the middle of talking on camera, apparently in the middle of telling a story.. as soon as I entered she paused, "who is here?" as if she was hearing something broadcast over an intercom. Now the entire room is hearing only her half of a conversation: "someone insignificant?" My heart sank a little, remembering the UFO encounter, cementing my belief that it was falsified. Instantly, "wait no.. sorry.. someone important?" She continued telling the story she was in the middle of when I entered, talking about how she had just returned to the site after a long hiatus, and discussing her recent move. I was half listening to her, half watching the television show.. it was talking about the Nasca Lines, and again was alerted back to the screen on my laptop. "It's like right over here... " and she jumped up and gestured towards the center of the wall to her immediate left. I looked around my room. Almost instantly I finally understood. To my left was my old Apple iMac, humming on standby, it's screen dark black. It was plugged in to the power outlet, but was not connected to my wireless internet. These guys must be pretty good. I had figured it out, they must have hacked into that machine, probably using its bluetooth or wifi interface card from a car passing by.. they were able to see me through the integrated webcam, even though its bright green light was not illuminated. I instantly jumped up and pulled the stark white cord from its place in the back of the shiny iMac. Relieved that it was just a silly prank, I sat back down to see what happened. "Now there is only one more," she said almost instantly, pointing now towards the rear corner on the other side of the room she was in. No more iMac's in here. I looked towards that corner in my room, there was a fake rose bush there, on a pedestal behind my television... maybe it's in the television. Almost instantly: "It must be in a flower." Completely taken a back, I laid down on the bed, rested my head on the pillow, and closed my eyes. "He must be out," came the reply. I smiled inside. I guess they don't know everything. By this time the interaction between the people on the screen and what I was doing had stopped phasing me at all, it was expected. I was a bit curious as to why she had thought I had passed out, and also relieved that she was wrong. I figured I'd ham it up a bit, and pretend to sleep for a little while longer. I peaked out of the corner of my eye to see what was going on, as the sound coming from the computer had stopped completely. My focus shifted as I noticed the girl on the computer screen had lifted her laptop, and was walking through her apartment. She walked into a room full of boxes, and said out loud "if I am not careful, I might wind up in a box on the side of the road." She jumped into the pile of boxes, landing with her arms and legs outside the box, looked into her camera, and then got up and walked back to the other room. Thinking back on it, it seems like it may have been a threat directed at me, but at the time my conscious thought was that she was trying to convey a message: that she had been threatened for telling me where the camera had been. Looking back, I think the box scene must have been recorded in advance, or at least planned, either way it stands out. More time had passed than I had thought, and it was now almost six a.m. I closed the laptop and tried to sleep, but was unable to for the remainder of the night. I walked back outside to smoke a cigarette about an hour later, and saw Venus, shining brightly in the northern sky, the morning star. There was only one thought in my mind.. call my girlfriend. Last Edited by Prometheus.Locke on 01/07/2013 10:06 PM |
Prometheus.Locke (OP) User ID: 31718133 ![]() 01/08/2013 08:44 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | Much, much later, after investigating the technology involved, I would become aware that the force responsible for the mind controlled opera I was unwittingly thrust in to the center of was able to falsify conversations, to force you to overhear things that were not really there. This is done via stimulation of the auditory cortex, and when you fully understand that the effects you are noticing can only be accomplished by stimulating action potentials, it should be obvious that this capability is also within the realm of reason. Because of reality shifting though, it's not obvious, in fact, you can be kept completely oblivious to further possibilities and uses of the technology. I began whirling inside.. did they know about it too? I was still convinced it was a prank, but at this point that others around me had been deceived into thinking it was some sort of Fear Factor like television show. I began getting angry, and also nervous about the possibility of more camera's being hidden in this house, just like the other one. Maybe my girlfriend was right, maybe it was the CIA. I walked out of the house to call her, as I often do. It's a habit I guess, but I enjoy talking on my cell phone as I'm walking. She didn't answer, and I was really not thrilled with being in the area. I was also worried that the same thing might be happening to her.. the thought of escaping the area entered my mind, and I decided to get rent a room at the Extended Stay America in Palm Beach, thinking I might be outside the grip of whatever nefarious group was tricking everyone around me. After doing this, I decided to walk to a near by shopping center, in order to call a cab there. This might seem a bit strange, but both of us had had some very odd experiences in cabs to date, one refused to open the door for us, and would not take us where we wanted to go, demanding that we stop at a specific shopping center. Another had made some under-the-breath remarks, and had a strange interface on his fare meter. I was a computer person, and I always take notice of POS interfaces, this one was not graphical, but a text interface that had inverted colors. He was pressing buttons on another terminal, one that was outside of my view, and it made loud chimes... it was very attention grabbing, and in hindsight it was an obvious alert. This interface would later today, and throughout the ordeal, play a large role in several sub-threads of the psychological attack. I began walking briskly, upset that I had not been able to get her on the phone. I wanted to get there so I could tell her I had a safer place for us to stay. Walking on the street instead of the sidewalk, I saw two older women walking towards me, on the other side of the street. They were on the side walk, and one of them seemed to be arguing with the other, her arms flailing in her oratory. I could not hear what was being said until they got a little closer, when the alert came: "Just let him go." This time the alert was accompanied by something else, a transmitted impression of the situation -- the knowledge that they were talking about me. It wasn't accompanied by anxiety or classical paranoia, just the tacit knowing that whatever it was they were talking about, it was revolving an argument about me leaving the house. I slowed down a little, glanced at them and then glanced away, and continued on. We passed each other, and I was about a block to their south when something else happened. A few weeks earlier, my girlfriend and I had experienced something strange. We were standing outside our apartment, deciding whether or not we were going to leave to visit a friend. She wanted to go really badly, and because of what had been happening during the prior weeks, I had become weary of her plans when they changed abruptly and without reason. During our conversation, something began hitting us from what appeared to be the roofs of the apartments around us. It left lacerations on our skin, with a white residue, and for the next hour or two it seemed as if we had both been drugged. As I was walking past the two women, something hit the bottom of my pants. I was instantly filled with feeling that this was the same weapon that had been used on the two of us weeks earlier. I swirled around, pulling my phone from my pocket as I had the previous time. From one of the houses I was walking past, I heard one thing "uh-oh." Feverishly, I started navigating the Android interface to the camcorder application. I started recording, and circled the area with my phone, hoping to catch a glimpse of who or what was doing this to me. After about 20 seconds of recording, standing in the middle of a suburban street at the early hours of the morning, I stopped the recording. Attempting to email it to myself, in order to save it "on the record" in Google's cloud, the icons on the screen began shaking, an effect which was not normal for Android. Afterwords, the phone did a Looney-Tunes like transition to black, another effect which was not normal for the software on the phone. I quickly turned the screen back on and navigated to the gallery, the video I had just taken was gone. Clever people. At this point I knew they must have put a virus on my phone, one that enabled them to delete the video. The overtness of the special effects struck a chord in me though, certainly they did not need special effects in order to delete a movie, they could have easily just removed it from the flash memory with no notice. Why would they alert me to their presence in my phone with visual cues? Last Edited by Prometheus.Locke on 01/08/2013 08:45 AM |
Prometheus.Locke (OP) User ID: 1635840 ![]() 01/09/2013 10:02 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | Taxi-Cab Confession, [link to] At this point I am practically jogging, attempting to get away from whatever it was that was so important that the video I had taken was deleted. I felt as if there was no escape from this.. in my parents home, their neighborhood, the same thing was happening that had happened at my apartment earlier. I just wanted to get away, and was glad that I had rented a hotel far away. I had a very strange experience in a taxi a few weeks prior, so I was attempting to avoid getting one that was on the payroll, as I called the people who were somehow associated with the large group of people acting strangely around me for the last few months. I walked in to a restaurant, sat down and had a cup of coffee, and requested that the waitress call a cab for me, thinking that this would avoid whatever listening device had been placed in the software of my cell phone. The cab came about thirty minutes later, a long wait in the area I was in, and I jumped in and asked him to take me to the Extended Stay America in Palm Beach. The cab driver was Jamaican, asked me how I was doing in, and put on some music. Everything seemed normal, apparently my evasive maneuvers had worked. Feeling relieved, I called my girlfriend again to see if she wanted me to stop by and pick her up on the way to the hotel. This time she answered the phone, and during the conversation, I overheard a train in the background. The only person I knew of that she knew who lived near train tracks was her ex, and cringed inside. She told me she might come to the hotel in a few hours, and barely made small talk before telling me her cell phone battery was low and she'd have to call me back. Great. A bit more agitated now, I rolled own my window in the rear of the cab, and asked the driver if he minded if I smoked a cigarette... he said no. I slouched a bit in the chair, thinking about the strange events of the previous night. It's just not true. I thought about who would have access to the exploits that would be required to access a webcam on a machine not connected to a network, the kind of people I had read about in Geek Mafia, by Rick Dakkan... or maybe an intelligence agency -- certainly nothing I had ever read of law enforcement (state of federal) being able to accomplish. We were exiting I-95, heading towards Congress where the hotel was. Suddenly, the driver rolled up my window, and said he was going to put on the air conditioning. I didn't object, and looked out the window for the hotel, which was supposed to be right off the highway. Neither of us saw it, and we circled around one more time before I asked him to drive east towards the beach, thinking that might entice my girlfriend to join me later. Driving east, the driver began pressing buttons somewhere out of view, I could tell because of the strange chimes that each button press echoed in my ear. I was alerted to his center console, and noticed that the normal GUI interface had been replaced with a high contrast text interface. I could not read it. Seconds later, the air went full bast, it was a noticeable change in sound, and I looked around the cab. Tiny white particles were flying around in the air, and stuck when the hit front of my eye glasses. I whirled inside, thoughts of the set up my girlfriend had warned me about focused clearly in my mind's eye. "They" are drugging me.. it was almost exactly like the last time this happened, and I immediately told the driver to stop at the first hotel he could find. I was so anxious that I did not even know where I was. I attempted to roll down the window, to get fresh air, and it had been locked. "Please roll my window down.. " I grunted at the driver. He complied, just as he was pulling in to the parking lot of a Marriot hotel right on the beach. I jumped out of the car immediately, grabbing my backpack and walked around to the driver side. I didn't feel any different, what on Earth could these people be thinking, so brazen. I paid the driver a large tip, almost twenty dollars, relieved that he had both rolled the window down and stopped quickly. Maybe disaster had been averted, since I had noticed what was going on. I walked in to the hotel to book a room, and as I walked towards the front desk, a blonde man standing with his wife and speaking to the clerk said, "Here he is now." He looked directly at me. Enraged, I immediately turned around, the cab driver must have brought me here on purpose, my heart sank, and I began walking towards the door. A mind control alert followed, and I heard his companion say "he's still playing ball, right?" |
MasonsWillFall User ID: 27502263 ![]() 01/09/2013 06:49 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | The Masonic lodges are major puppets used to gangstalk people, and I will see them all fall. Thats right Patricia Faddies, Nicholas Densmore and all the other scum gangstalking child molesting filth in Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada. I sure Hope you are having fun in your new stalking job with Crescent cab Nicholas Densmore of Truro Nova Scotia, Canada Cambrian House apartment building in Hilden, Nova Scotia, Canada is a location used to set up targeted individuals and gangstalk them. That place is full of nasty perp scum |
Anonymous Coward User ID: 24410859 ![]() 01/09/2013 06:51 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | |
Prometheus.Locke (OP) User ID: 29522594 ![]() 01/09/2013 11:06 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | Thanks alot, much more coming. |
Prometheus.Locke (OP) User ID: 29522594 ![]() 01/09/2013 11:06 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | The Show Must Go On Still playing ball? I repeated it in my head, as I walked briskly out the door, intent on not being stuck in the same situation I had been, surrounded by people playing this nefarious game. What's the point, all these people.. I hadn't tried to visit the FBI again, but I was sure her 'game' was about not complaining to the authorities. I walked outside, around the corner, and across the street... I walked in to the smaller hotel and asked how much a night would be. "No rooms available tonight," Of course not. Feeling railroaded.. I thought that maybe if I did 'play ball,' I could end this hellish experience, feeling bold and armed with the new idea of attacking them on their own turf, I walked back in to the Marriott on Atlantic Ave. This was street theater, but I didn't know it yet. Strangers having staged conversations around you, with the sole intent of you hearing. Their conversations often included personal details from your life that they should have no knowledge of, or communicated a message to you. Alerting you to their constant presence, it serves to create the illusion of paranoia, one of the prime reasons for the attack. The attack works, and it's been used for decades against honest victims, like James Jesus Angleton, too close to the truth. (tm) whole post, with links: [link to] |
Anonymous Coward User ID: 31855009 ![]() 01/10/2013 12:41 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | |
Prometheus.Locke (OP) User ID: 29522594 ![]() 01/10/2013 12:44 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | New post later today. Silence & Betrayal This is a work in progress, updated daily. It is a personal story of Illuminati mind control, gang-stalking, psycho-surveillance, and general weirdness. It takes you through the story of events that occurred between 2010 and 2011, and describes my inner thoughts and interaction with the dark force shaping the future of humanity. I believe this force to be older than humanity, technologically advanced, and directly responsible for many religious phenomenon throughout our history. The table of contents: [link to] |
Prometheus.Locke (OP) User ID: 29522594 ![]() 01/11/2013 03:26 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | Anyway.. it should be coming shortly, I'm on my third cup of coffee. |
Anonymous Coward User ID: 2269485 ![]() 01/11/2013 03:56 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | |
Prometheus.Locke (OP) User ID: 29522594 ![]() 01/11/2013 08:42 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | [link to] I called Marge, my girlfriend's best friend. We had hooked up once, many years prior, and in the recent weeks I had been doing something that I wasn't very proud of. Intentionally hanging out with someone to make Mary jealous wasn't my brightest idea, but I didn't know what else to do since she had begun leaving me places whenever this strangeness would start happening -- it's almost like she was intentionally disappearing. In the interim, i went out on the unlocked terrace and smoked a cigarette. After sitting down on a cushioned iron chair, I heard a voice coming from the parking lot. The alert told me it was someone sitting in an unmarked van, "he's going to feel really itchy." I dismissed it, not knowing at the time that the feeling I was experiencing was intentionally induced with mind control. Finishing my cigarette, I went back inside and sat on the bed, waiting for my friend to arrive. Within a few minutes, I felt a really annoying itch all over my back. This strange itching phenomenon would occur again once in the immediate vicinity of this story, a few weeks later. I would later assume that the point of the itching powder, as I figured was the mechanism the "perps" were using to annoy me that day, was to induce me to take Benadryl to stop it. Through my research into brain function, I would find that anti-histamines assisted in the regeneration of neurotransmitter receptors, and discerned that whatever mechanism was being used in order to modify my thoughts and feelings was somehow related to receptor function. I was wrong, and it would be yet another elaborate deception used by this organization in order to mask the true mechanism and function of mind control. Marge came over, in a taxi as she had been doing recently, and I paid for it. She came with a bottle of rum in her hand, and walked with me from Atlantic Ave to the front of the hotel. I looked at her, feeling a bit bad that I had invited her into this strange dark world, even though I was well aware that she knew more of what was going on than I did. "I think there's camera's all over the room..." I said, matter of factly. She looked at me, eyes rolling slightly in the back of her head, and said "oh, please, lets just go inside." She neither confirmed nor denied, which was pretty much the status quo since the failed set up weeks prior. After we got in to the room, she said she was tired, and basically lied down and went to sleep. It wasn't really the stimulating conversation I had been expecting, as we had been talking about the issues with the extended family, as I had begun calling their families organized crime connections. Trying to sleep on the other twin in the room, I laid awake staring at the ceiling for at least twenty minutes. Finally giving up, with no real reason in my mind as to my inability to sleep, I opened my laptop again, and this time began searching for information that could confirm the stories and description Mary had told me about the mafia. Prior to the attempted set up in November of 2010, Mary had... through very strange conversations, conveyed to me that she was a member of the "mafia," She was non-specific about it, but told me that it was't like it used to be, like the stories described in the Godfather and on The Sopranos. What she said was that the mafia was now much larger, and a loosely knit confederation of families, rather than the top down militaristic depiction with captains and enforcers. She had years earlier, when I had visited her grandparents house, mentioned that they had once been "associated" with a secret organization, so this wasn't really totally new or outlandish, however it was given to me in an obviously contrived conversation for what was at the time... no apparent reason. Over the next few weeks, the strange and dark world of set up's and trafficking would be.. shown to me in a similar fashion. This is what happened immediately prior to my current predicament. Obviously it was connected, and in my attempt to stop the shadows from doing whatever it was they were planning, I wanted to figure out how I could.. talk to them and ask them to stop. I guess I was looking for a "sit down," though I had no idea who I was looking for. I googled around on the internet, attempting to see if her story was a complete fabrication, or if there was some reality in it. She had told me so many strange things over the past weeks that it would not have surprised me if the entire thing was a delusion... though looking back on it, the contrived conversations were obviously intentional, and coming from somewhere other than Mary. I found a lot of very interesting information that day, and the description that she told me turned out to be an accurate description of the 'ndrangheta mafia. Reading more about them, it appeared there were other groups associated.. the Sacra Corona Unita, and the Camorra. All three appeared to fit the "loose knit confederation of families" that had been described to me, however there was information from the CIA available that said the 'ndrangheta was now the largest and most powerful cocaine trafficking organization in the world. This alone was reason enough for me to believe it fit the story, as the stories that had been told to me included very intelligence and high technology means of hiding that particular drug, inside cellulose fiber, and using it as stuffing. Google searches being used to implant information in victims minds is something that happened to me very often during this time period, in addition it is something that I believe is used as standard operating procedure by this organization in order to introduce no ideas to victims. Both the search results, as well as what is searching for, can be controlled, and it gives the victim the impression that they "figured it all out themselves" which increases credibility in their minds. In addition to the searches related to criminal activity, this happens frequently when researching the technology behind mind control, often leading victims to unscientific articles, as well as the specific history that they are supposed to be finding -- one that leads them directly to US intelligence as the creator of the technology. Concluding my... "research" I started getting tired. Happy that I had made progress, and relieved that I was finally able to sleep, I closed my laptop lid and put it on the bed beside me.. I slept from 4 am to about 7 am. Marge woke me up, and wanted to go have breakfast, but first, she said she had to change her clothes. On camera? I thought, fully believing that she was well aware of the surveillance system installed in the room. She took of her shirt, and in a very strange turn, told me she had felt a lump on her breast, and asked me if I would feel it. Being cognizant of the camera, and not wanting to give these criminals any evidence that I had done anything wrong with Marge -- as I had suspected they were trying to break me up with my girlfriend, I declined. She grabbed my hands and placed them on her breasts, open palm, and then looked up directly at the smoke detector and smiled. I pulled away quickly, and said I was going to meet her at the breakfast area, pissed that she had done that. Won't make that mistake again. Once I entered the breakfast area, I noticed it was full of people, I tended to avoid crowded restaurants, and decided I wasn't going to stay at the hotel for the second night I had booked. While waiting for my "companion" to meet me there, something very strange happened. The people surrounding me began.. whispering, except it was a very loud whisper. I heard them repeat several times "he knows who we are..." and immediately recollected my internet searches from the prior night, which I had not thought about since waking. I left quickly, walking to the front of the hotel, and as I left I heard one more comment: "I didn't know he was such a good projector." |
Prometheus.Locke (OP) User ID: 29522594 ![]() 01/11/2013 12:07 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | In case anyone is interested, these are my conclusions after going through the process. You might be interested in reading about the technology while going through the story: [link to] |
Prometheus.Locke (OP) User ID: 32059456 ![]() 01/12/2013 05:43 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | Right on time.. [link to] How long? [link to] We're moving towards the close of this sequence, one more story before things start... changing. TOC [link to] Last Edited by Prometheus.Locke on 01/12/2013 05:44 PM |
Anonymous Coward User ID: 32059644 ![]() 01/12/2013 05:49 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | People with weak minds can be easily deceived by Satan to believe that they are living in some sort of "Truman Show" scenario. You're not on Truman Show. It's SATAN who is "stalking" you, and controlling things to make you get paranoid... Don't be fooled by Satan. Pray to God, and He will help you. |
Prometheus.Locke (OP) User ID: 32059456 ![]() 01/13/2013 07:16 AM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | People with weak minds can be easily deceived by Satan to believe that they are living in some sort of "Truman Show" scenario. Quoting: Anonymous Coward 32059644 You're not on Truman Show. It's SATAN who is "stalking" you, and controlling things to make you get paranoid... Don't be fooled by Satan. Pray to God, and He will help you. This is a common misconception, I keep hearing it and it's hurting my poor little ears now. Mind control works equally well on all people, it has nothing to do with having a weak mind, being stupid, years of 'programming.' Brains are machines, machines can be manipulated with electricity. Nobody has evolved a mechanism to stop their brain from functioning. I am not on Truman Show. It is SATAN. SATAN is a machine. Has not worked to date. I will attempt praying again, and report back. Expect no miracles. |
Prometheus.Locke (OP) User ID: 32059456 ![]() 01/13/2013 01:56 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | |
Prometheus.Locke (OP) User ID: 32059456 ![]() 01/13/2013 03:40 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | "He's doing all this because of a girl?" It came from nowhere. The house I was in is on a quarter acre lot, and there is no way I could have overheard a conversation like this from anywhere around. This is one of the common occurrences in gang-stalking, and people sometimes attempt to find the source of the sounds, or the mechanism of its transmission. Two of the most common methods people finally settle on are implanted radio transceivers a common place is inside one's tooth. This isn't as silly as it sounds, but it would be very simple to detect, and its never true. Once upon a time, I believed that implanted transceivers that used technology similar to "The Thing" were common among the assailants and victims alike, and I've since learned better. The Thing is a zero power transceiver, and after being directed to research it, it seems as if its the kind of thing that might work to create "V2K." Another common mechanism is an LRAD device, a machine that can "throw" sound to specific locations over far distances. This would be much more difficult to detect, but after understanding the full utility of the mind control technology, it becomes pretty apparent that many of the symptoms victims of gang-stalking receive are actually due to remote neural stimulation (RNM), in this case, the auditory cortex is being remotely stimulated to induce an auditory hallucination. More about how I know this much, much later. This post in the series: [link to] The Table of Contents: [link to] |
Anonymous Coward User ID: 1482838 ![]() 01/13/2013 04:27 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | Just so you know OP, I have also had a similar type "Truman Show" event in my own life. It had to do with 'the spirit of the radio' and the fact I lived half a block from a Masonic Lodge with a newly built cellphone tower in the backlot. I believed I was on a webcam even though I had no computer or way to know at the time. It was very weird sequences of events. (This is the second time I will attempt to post this. The first one disconnected my computer, no joke.) |
Prometheus.Locke (OP) User ID: 32059456 ![]() 01/13/2013 04:48 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | Just so you know OP, I have also had a similar type Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1482838 "Truman Show" event in my own life. It had to do with 'the spirit of the radio' and the fact I lived half a block from a Masonic Lodge with a newly built cellphone tower in the backlot. I believed I was on a webcam even though I had no computer or way to know at the time. It was very weird sequences of events. (This is the second time I will attempt to post this. The first one disconnected my computer, no joke.) Look me up on Facebook, Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge, I'd love to talk to you about it. [link to] My short response is "the entire thing is a deception designed to make you look bonkers." The long response is, you are a bona fide victim of Illuminati mind control, and we could definitely use your assistance in creating a usable body of evidence. I'd love your assistance. Last Edited by Prometheus.Locke on 01/13/2013 04:50 PM |
Anonymous Coward User ID: 1482838 ![]() 01/13/2013 05:13 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | Just so you know OP, I have also had a similar type Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1482838 "Truman Show" event in my own life. It had to do with 'the spirit of the radio' and the fact I lived half a block from a Masonic Lodge with a newly built cellphone tower in the backlot. I believed I was on a webcam even though I had no computer or way to know at the time. It was very weird sequences of events. (This is the second time I will attempt to post this. The first one disconnected my computer, no joke.) Look me up on Facebook, Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge, I'd love to talk to you about it. [link to] My short response is "the entire thing is a deception designed to make you look bonkers." The long response is, you are a bona fide victim of Illuminati mind control, and we could definitely use your assistance in creating a usable body of evidence. I'd love your assistance. I don't do facebook. Are your initials RAM? |
Prometheus.Locke (OP) User ID: 32059456 ![]() 01/13/2013 05:26 PM Report Abusive Post Report Copyright Violation | Are your initials RAM? Quoting: Anonymous CowardMy name is all over my blog. gtalk or aim? |