Where’s DefendOurHoodz? Should we shine the bat signal or something? Someone needs to organize a boycott of the new tenant. /s
I like when a car like this is parked where I work giving me hopes that I may work with crazy.
Man that’s unbarleavable.
I used Ride Austin during ACL and I didn’t get gauged and I got picked up quicker.
I’d like to hear the mental gymnastics you did to convince yourself putting an item on the side of a highway is not littering.
It started as a way to remember one’s relatives who had passed on. So in effect, they were memorials, which shouldn’t be considered litter.
I go to this HEB regularly and have seen nothing but nice, regular, mostly working class people. I feel like I'm getting gypped if you're out there seeing bum fights and getting nice compliments and offers from working girls.
That H.E.B. is junkie central, they all seem nice because the methadone just kicked in.
I’m glad my unimportant life never will be so boring that I would be on either side of this debate.